Chapter six

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First of all I would like to say that I'am sorry for leaving everyone on a cliffhanger and not updating!!!! So mean I know. I just started High School a few days ago and I haven't had wifi for a while. Thanks Jaketaybunny and MegaEpicFanGirl for your ideas and telling me not to delete this story. So I got this idea from MegaEpicFanGirl soo this chapter is dedicated to her. I know this is long and boring so I will end it now enjoy the story.

Keep reading, vote, comment, punch someone in the face, and other stuff.


"I" I don't what to say I'm too happy but sad yet excited yet devastated all at the same time. Happy because BeastBoy likes me, sad because I can't be with him, excited because I know he feels the same way, and devastated because I know deep down that my powers will never let me be with him.

I stood there for around five minutes, I probably looked like an idiot. "BeastBoy I...I can't be with you." I said quickly and slipped into my room shutting the door on BeastBoy's face. I know I'm being cruel, but this is the only way he will get the memo. To leave me alone. I can't be with him and I hope that he won't hate me forever. I can feel rejection and sadness radiating off of BeastBoy. I sigh as I cross my legs and begin to meditate.

BeastBoy's P.O.V

I'm losing track of how many times that girl is going to reject me. I can't believe I just did the most romantic thing for her, and she turned me down. I sigh and put my guitar away. I walk down to my room with a glum look. I feel like crying, crying my eyes out, I feel like going to Raven's room and get down on my hands and knees and beg for her to be mine. But I know she will just turn me away again. I shrug my shoulders as I lay down on my bed and try to clear my thoughts.

It's only been five seconds and I open my eyes again. I know the other Titans won't be back for awhile so I get out of bed and turn on the tv in the main ops room. I put in a racing game and start to play. While I'm playing I don't know the dark shadow that's creeping in the shadows watching my every move.

I sat on the couch for around twenty minutes playing videos games until I got bored. I decided to pay Raven a friendly visit. Right when I got off the couch though the Titans alarm went off.

Raven came rushing out of her room and went up to the computer. "It's cinderblock, call Robin Starfire and Cyborg." Raven said as she flew out of the main ops room. I sighed and followed Raven downtown.

When I got there Raven was already there while Cinderblock was terrorizing the city. Robin was throwing birdarangs, while Starfire was using her powers, and Cyborg his sonic cannon. They were all doing a really bad job, Cindeblock was still rampaging. Raven was very close to Cinderblock's foot. Right before I could process this his foot was already coming down. I went with my gut and ran after Raven.

Raven's P.O.V

I was so busy thinking about my problem with BeastBoy that I wasn't really paying attention to the world around me. I was so rapped up in my thoughts that I didn't notice Cinderblock's foot come down until it was too late.

BeastBoy's P.O.V

I pushed Raven out of the way just in time. I pushed her and I on the other side of the road. "Raven are you okay?" I asked as she looked up at me. "Yeah I'm fine." she said. We began to lean in, but before our lips could touch Raven put her hands on my chest. "BeastBoy I can't, my powers." she said but I wouldn't let her reject me again. I crossed the distance and our lips touched. At first Raven was shocked but then surprisingly kissed me back. I smiled. When we pulled apart I whispered huskily in her ear. "Rae nothing exploded so please say you'll be with me?" I asked her. She thought about it for a minute put smiled. "Yes ill be with you."

Ok I know the chapter was very crappy but the only thing I have written is poetry and I'm very sorry about the sucky chapter and how short it is. I hope you at least enjoyed it a little bit. I promise to update soon or later in the week. So please keep reading, vote, comment, eat a pickle, watch a movie, take a little kids ice cream, and please don't hate me if you don't like the chapter.


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