Chapter 13

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Lydia ran until she entered the dark, empty warehouse and lurched against the entryway, throwing open the doors to reveal the dirty, deserted train depot she'd become so familiar with. On the verge of hyperventilating, she trudged forward, purposefully stomping toward Derek's favorite lounging place. She knew he'd heard every move she'd made from the moment she'd pushed open the doors, and probably before that considering how loudly her heart was beating from running, but he'd refused to greet her as he usually did. He was probably still miffed about what had almost-happened between them the other night, but she didn't care.

Frantic and fuming over Peter's words, she climbed into the abandoned bus but saw him nowhere. Growling in irritation, she jumped down the steps and landed in the dirt, looking around for him somewhere. Perhaps he was gone, and he was safe from her. Maybe she hadn't needed to come here after all. Maybe he didn't feel anything about her, and Peter was wrong. A mild shred of hope that he would stay away from her sprang up, instantly followed by a stronger punch of pain at the thought she may never see him again. But if it meant he survived, wouldn't it be worth it?

Rubbing her hands together nervously, she explored toward the back of the warehouse, into a section she'd never entered. The shadows fell over her, the darkness caressing her and cooling her feverish skin. As she walked, a quiet clinking sound reached her ears, and she strained to find which direction it was coming from. She followed it and the noise grew louder until she recognized it as tools clanking against metal.

Rounding a corner, she saw him, laying on his back beneath a motor, his arm muscles bulging as he loosened a stubborn screw until it finally came free. Letting out a breath in relief, he rolled to his side and stood, noticing her as he did so. Surprise crossed his face for the briefest of moments before his features turned to stone, and he turned away from her to gather his tools.

"What do you want?" he asked, his voice hard and irritated. "I thought we were done here."

He brushed past her, carrying the tools back toward the main part of the depot, and she smelled the mixture of sweat and grease on him that heightened her senses and did funny things to her heart. Aggravated that he was trying to dismiss her, she followed him, grabbing his arm and forcing him to stop. She wasn't as strong as him, but her fingers in his bicep caught his attention, and he dropped the tools to turn and glare angrily down at her through the shadows.

"I came here to tell you to stay away from me," she stated, her jaw setting with determination as she forced herself to stare back into his penetrating gaze.

"It seems we agree on something," he snarked, turning away once more and forgetting the tools as he tried to move away from her again.

Huffing peevishly, she swiftly darted around him, blocking his path toward the bus. "You don't understand. I can't be around you; we can't be around each other. Never again. I mean it."

Scowling down at her, Derek frowned sourly. "And I don't think you understand that I have no problem staying away from you. So, you can go now." Waving her off like a pestering fly, his eyes widened as he looked down at her, his gaze asking why she wasn't already gone.

"You're so... infuriating!" she exclaimed, wanting to hit him but resisting. Her desire to protect him from Peter's plan, from her, was driving up her blood pressure and she was panicked that she wouldn't be able to stop it.

"Why am I the infuriating one?!" he asked, provoked. "You're happy with Jackson and your life is back to its fluffy little teenage dream, but you're the one standing here pissing me off and getting in my way while I'm trying to mind my own business."

She ground her teeth together and pursed her lips, drawing in a measured breath before snapping back at him, "My life is not a teenage dream. I have plenty to worry about!"

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