Sorry, my love!

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Achi's POV

Ever since I asked Akari what she wanted to do, I've been stuck here. She said she'll have to think it over. Said she had to think about her life now. If she says no A-wut said he'll help me. I feel sorry for those kids for being born into this life.

Somehow Kluay found out I was at my mom's house. Didn't want to go back to the one I owned if you know why. He's been trying to get to agree to go to dinner with him. And of course, I keep saying no.

"Maybe you should give him another chance." 

"Mom! I can't he broke my heart. He cheated on me then left. With a woman forsake."

"I have seen him around a lot. There was no girl with him ever. Besides he lost his father. He became heartbroken. Remember when you lost yours?"

I looked down. I never knew his father died. I'll give him my apologies, but I will never forgive him. And of course, to my luck, the doorbell rang. 

As I saw Kluay standing there I lost my breath. This time he had the others with him.

"What is it Kluay?"

"Achi! When we saw you were back again we couldn't believe it." P'Sang says and hugs me.

"Please let me go Khun." And he does that but seems sad now. "What do you want now?" I asked them all.

"We wanted you to come to dinner with us." Wai had said.

"I don't want to." And I was about to close the door when Kluay put his foot at it.

"Achi have dinner with us?! It sounded like a question and a demand. Of course, he was amazing at that, so you never knew which.

"I said I don't want to. And you can't force me."

"Achi we're friends are we not? Shouldn't you spend time with us?" Apo finally speaks.

"No, we are not. If I ever have to talk to you it would be with or about Akari. Now if you don't mind I have some work to do." And this time I got the door fully closed.


It has been a few hours and I'm getting bored sitting here. I'm getting the papers ready in case of Akari's answer is. If she says no, I have to find someone else to take over. I don't feel like running it when I have nothing there anymore. And with the news, I heard when I came back she probably will say no. I think I'll take a break and go for a walk.


I was walking along the streets when I saw a sign on one of the buildings. It was a shooting range. I decided to go in and practice. It's been a month or two of the last time I shot anything. Don't want to wear out. P'Arthit would be disappointed. He was the one who taught me how to in the first place.

As I got to the fifth round my arm started to hurt. Did I mention while trying to come back I got shot? It bled for hours. After they got it out they had to stitch my arm back together. It hurt like hell. It bled now and then when I do something too much.

I saw the blood and mentally cursed myself. Guess I should get it stitched together again. Of course, I remember where the hospital is. I used to come here a lot when Kluay did something stupid with some of his other friends from high school.

I went up to the desk and told them what happened. Of course not the gang part. So now I'm waiting for the doctor to come in and stitch it. And of course, to my luck my doctor is Puth.

"Okay, sir I'm here to... Achi! What happened? Why do you need to be stitched up?"

"Can you just stitch it up and not have the small talk. I have things to get done."

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