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Yamaguchi's POV

"Good practice today everyone, you're all now free to leave!" relieving words were finally said by coach Ukai, putting an end to our club practice that seemed to have lasted a lifetime. It was especially hard today because of the up-coming practice match against Nekoma, our rival team since the forever. Everyone seemed to put so much effort for the slightest improvement, and although I knew I might not be taking any part in that match, I carelessly tried to do my hardest too. With the sweaty towels, empty water bottles, and the awful smell of hard work all around the gym, it was not astonishing to see everyone in a helplessly exhausted state.

Before a foot stepped out of the gym, Ennoshita, the now third year and captain of the team, suggested to treat us all for meat buns. Of course no one even hesitated to accept the compelling offer after such tiring practice, and Tanaka-san's stomach made its reply with a loud rumble that filled the gym with giggles. Zipping my jacket all the way up as I went out to meet the cold winter breeze, I walked next to Tsukki who had his headphones on as always, following the rest of the team whose loud chatter filled the atmosphere.

The meat bun shop soon came into sight and everyone waited impatiently for Ennoshita who was quickly ordering and paying for the food. The delicious smell of cooked meat filled the air, each one of us taking their buns as soon as they came out. Some did not even bother to let them cool for a millisecond before digging their teeth through their soft exterior. I blew my hardest onto the bun in my palms, my hunger taking the better of me, giggling while taking my first bite. Eyes gazing around at the cheerful, pleasant atmosphere, everyone seemed to be having fun. Even Tsukki wasn't complaining about anyone's attitude for once, the widening of his lips' edges more than perceptible. But then, there was also a certain ravenet whom I've noticed looked terribly tired ever since the bright morning, ruining the calming sight of our team. Of course, there was no one who didn't notice his clearly unwell state, but whenever they asked him what was wrong, he pushed them away saying he was fine, though he obviously wasn't.

I gave a glance towards Kageyama, who had a petrifying aura surrounding him. He seemed to be trying his hardest to bare Hinata's relentless rambling, which was incredibly odd as he'd usually argue with him or scream something like 'Stop it, you dumbass'. Currently though, he was silent, more like he seemed effortless of shouting out anything to the ginger although he didn't hide how much he wanted to. Munching on my food, I also noticed how much slower Kageyama was eating. The ravenet would normally gulf down his meat buns like a hungry child, but now, he seemed to eat so slowly with no desire or appetite at all.

Subsequently, the blabbering red-head had given up on attracting Kageyama's notice, and soon went to chat with the third years and show off a bit to the first years. It has been something pretty frequent now he's officially a 'senpai'. I saw Kageyama exhale in total consolation and relief, and taking advantage of the ginger's absence, I decided to walk towards the ravenet.

"H-hey there, Kageyama-kun..." I softly said in a bit of a shaky tone, approaching the other as I gently pat him on the shoulder. I couldn't exactly help it, although it was slight, I was afraid of the younger second year that seemed ready to kill a man when he heard my voice. He gave me a threatening glare that might have scared my soul off for a second, but immediately after recognizing who I was, I saw his expression soften.

"Oh, Yamaguchi,,, Hi..." the ravenet greeted in a low mumble, sniffing the cold wind in annoyance with his noticeably reddish nose. Soon after, I started as I saw him take a quick breath in, a short pause followed by it, then a swift exhale escaped his pale pinkish lips as if a small sigh of relief.

This was how, a surprisingly high-pitched sneeze, was released off the taller male.

The sharp small sound made me flinch, feeling the sudden warmth running up my cheeks instantly. 'How in the world is he even able to sneeze in such a cute way???!' I internally questioned, gaze shifting to the ground. My heart started to beat in a quickening pace as I gulped under my breath with widened eyes at the ravenet, who wasn't yet aware of my reaction. I could swear I tried my hardest to calm down and somehow act natural, but my body and thoughts, additionally to his soft rubbing of his nose, wouldn't let my attempts lead to anything but failure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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