I can't Feel you There

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                        Ciel's POV:

        'It-It's so dark here... Ugh, my head... Where am I this time? Am I finally a wake, in the real world? Or was that other place Reality?'

        I groaned and sat up, rubbing my head. I opened my eyes to see a crimson gaze meeting mine.                                                                                                                                                                                "Ah, Young Master, you are awake." I sighed at this, wincing at the pain in my head when I moved.                                                                                                                                                                          "Am I, finally? You're sure its not a dream?"                                                                                                     "Yes My Lord, you are awake. You have been out for nearly three days since you last woke. It seems your dreams had an unwelcome visitor however, whom was most troublesome. A pity, they were sure they could fool you into being welcome." My butler looked at me, an odd emotion in his eyes.            "How unfortunate for them that they weren't. Could you identify them?" He bowed before me, a letter in his outstretched hand, replying with his typical,'Yes My Lord.' I took the letter, breaking the seal to open it. There was something odd about the seal- I had seen it recently. Very recently. A vision flashed before my eyes and I flinched, screaming as I recoiled. "N-No, it can't be from, from them, can it?" My hands shook as I unfolded the letter, reading it with wide eyes. 

                Dearest Ciel,                                                                                                                                                                    I was sorry to hear about your most unfortunate 'accident.' But of course, we both know this was no accident. Ha, I dare say it was planned murder. But of course, you already know that. Are you suprised to be getting a letter from me? You really shouldn't be, I did just pay you a little.....'visit'. Did you like my song? Did you enjoy what I showed you? It was such a shame that you ruined my plans by calling that wretched butler of yours. But fear not, we shall soon reunite. You are, in fact, my property. A master does not easily give up that which was loyal to him for so long. I shall see you soon, dear one.        

                                                                                With Love, You Know Who I Am.

        I gasped, not wanting to believe my eyes. This, this was impossible. It had to be- wasn't it? My distress at the words sent me gasping to my knees. I coughed, and dropped the letter. I put my hands out to brace myself, coughing and wheezing. The familiar burn in my lungs appeared, and I felt my throat tighten. I tried to relax as I saw Sebastian come forward. He picked me up and gently sat me back on the bed. "Water," I croaked out between coughs. I immeadiatley felt the cup at my lips and drank as much as I could without worsening my breathing. I felt strong hands on my back, keeping me upright. Finally, the wheezing stopped and the coughing was much fewer and far between.

                        Sebastian's POV-

        I gazed at the letter in my hands. ' What could they possibly want with Young Master? And how is this even possible? It must be those damn-'                                                                                                         I was interrupted by the boy stirring. I leaned over and smoothed down his hair. I was ceartain about one thing: No one was going to harm my Bocchan again. Speaking of.... I smiled as an azure gaze met my crimson one. "Ah, Young Master, you are awake."                                                                            "Am I finally? You're sure its not a dream?" I watched the boy bite his lip.                                                  "Yes My Lord, you are awake. You have been out for nearly three days since you last woke. It seems your dreams had an unwelcome visitor however, whom was most troublesome. A pity, they were sure they could fool you into being welcome." He looked down at his hands.                                            "How unfortunate for them that they weren't. Could you identify them?" I frowned, remembering the letter, before bowing with a 'Yes, My Lord' and handing it to him. I watched him frown at the seal as he broke it. He stood up and began reading the note, his eyes widening at each word. Finally he came gasping to his knees. I ran towards him as he began coughing and wheezing, his asthma overtaking him. I placed him in bed and gave him some water. Finally, the attack was over.                                                                                                                                                                I sighed, relieved. This was not one of his worse attacks. It did worsen his condition slightly though, which concerned me. The young boy did not need any more stress or sicknesses to strain him. He was wore too thin as it was. I smiled as his breathing slowed, and his coughing stopped. His stomach was growling, so I picked him up and carried him to the kitchen. He didn't protest, which worried me a little. He just laid there, limp in my arms, like he didn't know where he was or what was going on. As I entered the kitchen, I laid him on the counter and opened the fridge. Taking out ingredients for soup, I proceeded to take out a pot and add them one by one. I hoped this would satisfy Young Master. He needed to keep his strength up.                                                                         When it was done, I poured the soup into a bowl and took it to Young Master. He opened his eyes at the smell of food, and I helped him sit up. Holding the bowl to his lips, I helped him drink it.           "You-You're being very kind, feeding me like this," he said, pausing from sipping the broth. "I'm Ciel, Ciel Phantomhive, Head of the Funtom company." He looked so sincere, I was shocked.                    "Y-Young Master, Don't you recognize me? Don't you know where you are?"

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