Chapter 23

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Dean pov

I wasn't stupid I went back to Cincinnati,Ohio my home town.I checked into a crappy motel close to where the street I grew up on.I sat on the edge of the bed and all the memories came back to me.I felt tears run down my face so I went to a bar nearby.I walked in the bar and started to order drinks.All of the sudden my mind started playing pictures and a voice in my head told me it was all my fault.I couldn't take it,I ran out and went to back to the motel.I threw everything everywhere.I put my head against the wall and slid down.


My sister and I were coming back from school and entered the house.When we entered someone threw me to the floor and grabbed my sister I tried to get up but someone else grabbed me.They had a strong grip on me and held my face to where my sister was.She started screaming and the other guy ended up raping her.Once the guy was done I was next then cops came in.I ran out and hid somewhere.After that I heard my sister scream again and saw she was being put inside a cop car I tried to get up but my body was numb.I saw as the car drove off with my sister.

End of Flashback.

Roman pov

Seth and I went to Cincinnati and went to a hotel."Where could he be?" Seth asked."I don't know he could be anywhere" I answered."He could be in a bar" Seth said and we went and looked in every bar.

Dean pov

I felt more tears run down my face."It's all your fault if you weren't scared she would still be here with you but you were just a stupid,gay boy and you still are" my head kept repeating over and over.I ended up passing out because of the alcohol.

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