Journalists entry 1

20 2 17

Month : November
Day : 27th
Year : 2018

The difference of killing someone mentally and physically.

What was it?

Physically is more so of a numbing state leaving the mind at ease, and the soul will end somewhere in the universe. While mentally on the other hand. The mind and soul will die although the body will remain. You may torture that sickening empty vestal, but no reaction will be released from it. Just a plain puppet is a way you can describe things that are mentally dead.

But do you hear that? Yes that boy, Oh the poor boy.

The sensation of blood dripping from his veins, and he then simply licked the red ooze from his wrist. The texture of his tongue rubbing against his skin made his mind go nuts. Oh how that boy enjoyed savoring his mistakes. Is even he human at this point? Or is he a viscous wild beast? No one could understand that damn fool. Most called him insane, others called him hypocritical. The story behind his madness could drive anyone crazy just by listening to it, but those little damn wimps.

He lived through it. Poor little Xavier. Having no one to help him. Those morons who where so scared and claimed that they were simply protecting themselves. Protecting? Scared? Give me a break. Listen here, and listen well. I'm only saying this once. Just know I do not repeat myself, and know how that child you made fun of turned himself into the demonic man you see now.

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