Chapter 7

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Scarlett pov

I woke up to pain in my body. I couldn't hear Mai. "Shhh" I heard from someone who was holding my hand.

I could feel pain as I felt some kind of water hit me. "Stop" I begged but it kept hitting me. "Dal lo aha fae" I heard, I opened my eyes to see someone splashing me with water. Burning water. I was tied down with sliver chains. All of it burned me.

"Its not working" the girl said. "We need to kill the witch who has cursed her" the girl said. I was crying from the burns that where on my skin. "It's ok honey bun" I heard looking up to see Cameron holding my hand. It made me feel so much better.

"How am I going to even find the person" I heard Jake say. "I can find her" the girl said. "How?" I asked powerless. "It's going to be painful and it might kill you, but I can look inside of you if I mark you but it will heal and go away if you find your real mate." She said. I knew that was going to be painful and it could kill me. But I would die anyways. What choice will we have ?

No. My wolf wimperd. We will only be marked by are real mate. She growled. Well we won't find them if we don't do this. I said blocking her.
"No she isn't doing it" Cameron growled. "I have to Cameron, I need to do this. I'm going to die anyways." I told him holding his hand. "Can y'all give us some space" he said as everyone left my hospital room.

"I can't leave without you, your my best friend" he said putting his forehead on mine. "I love you Cameron and I will always love you. In life and death" I said placing my lips on him. He purred at the touch. I did as well . I was scared that he was going to hurt me by leaving.

He didn't pull away and I smiled in our
kiss. He laughed pulling away. "I hope your mate loves you and takes care of you for me" I said playing with his hand.

He smiled at me. I didn't realize that he was the one that gave me love. The love I've always wanted. Could I really leave him? Leave him alone in this place.

"How is my sister?" I asked him. He smiled and said "she found her mate. A early chance mate and they mated and now she is marked and the doctor said she doenst have cancer anymore. Her mate fixed her." I smiled knowing my baby sister is in good hands.

"I'm ready" I said as a few tears rolled down my cheeks. The girl came in and I gave Cameron one last kiss. I don't know if I'll survive but I had to know that he knew that I loved him. "Tell my pack and my family that I love them" I said as the witch pushed Cameron out the door.

"My name is Lucinda" she said as she layed me back into the chair. "If you do die, do you have any last words you like to share" she asked me. I shook my head no. "Ok, this will be painful" she warned as I was scared out of my mind. She tied my body down and put something around my mouth so I couldn't talk. "It's so you don't wolf out or yell and bring me out of your head." I nodded.

She bit into my neck using her human like teeth. It felt painful and I could feel my other half cry. Who every they where. I feel so bad for them. Pain is what I felt. No pleasure in this. I groaned in discomfort.

She placed her hands on my head. And whispered "De cha no lwpi" pain closed inside of me. Pain was all I can feel. I was drowning in it. I tried to yell but nothing came out. Tears feel from my face. I begged the pain to stop but nothing came out. I wanted it to go away. I wanted to die.

I saw something. A picture of me and Cameron with little girls and me pregnant. I smiled at that. It was my future. I would be ok. I would survive. I would have a future. The moon goddes will keep me alive. The pain died down and I opened my eyes to see a bright light. Then blackness.
I felt so sleepy and let my body sleep.

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