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Once at the hospital, Saanvi immediately took Michaela into her care. "What's wrong with her?"

"She's being having heart pain. I think it's from the callings." Saanvi looked at him for a second when she said callings. "She told you?"

"I made her. Look is she gonna be okay?"

"I think so. I'm gonna get her admitted. Do you know who her emergency contacts are?"

"Ben and I. I'll call Ben. Just please..I can't lose her."

Jared then left the room and watched the love of his life struggle in pain. "Okay Michaela what hurts?" Saanvi asked gently. "My..heart. The plane."

"Okay im gonna give you some medicine to stop it." She did and finally the pained look on her face disappeared. Michaela finally was able to get some rest and after an hour, Ben arrived. "Hey Mick. How you feeling?"

"Tired. You?" Ben chuckled at that. "Always trying to change the subject huh?"

"Wouldn't be myself without that." Finally she noticed Jared outside. "Hey can I talk to Jared for a second?"

Turning around, Ben noticed Jared at the window. "Sure. Try not to give yourself another heart attack though."

"I won't." She laughed. When Ben left, Jared came in and stood by the door. "You know you don't have to stand over there, I won't bite." She whispered. He smiled and went to sit next to her bed. "I broke it off."

"What?" She felt like she was losing her mind. "Lourdes. I broke it off." After a best of silence she finally opened her mouth. "Why? You love her." Jared shook his head in response. "I couldn't do it. I couldn't stay in that marriage while my best friend and my first real love was still out there. I felt like I just couldn't do that to Lourdes and myself. So here I am. I'm here."


"Shh. It's okay. I'm not going anywhere."

She wanted to reply but another flashback hit her. This time not in her heart but her head. Since Jared was there though she turned away and closed her eyes hoping not to make a sound. A small but audible pained grunt came out and immediately Jared was on alert.

"Mick? good?"

"Yeah..I'm fine."

"No your not. Look at me."

She turned and smiled weakly. "When can I get out of here?"

Jared laughed and fixed her blanket. "Not yet. Is there anything you need? Water? Food?"

"Just you." She murmured. He smiled. "How about I get another blanket and I'll sit with you until you get tired of me."

"I'd like that." So the two detectives sat talking about nothing in particular till Michaela became drowsy again. When she fell asleep, Jared took his hand and moved her hair away from her face. Frowning he noticed that she was burning up. Pressing the nurse button, he got up and stood by her head. "Nurse she's burning up. She's not sweaty or anything but she's hot."

"Okay thank you I'll alert the doctor." Right as she left Michaela woke up crying out in pain. "Mick what is it!"

She clutched her heart and gripped onto his hand. "The heartbeat! It's back!"

Quickly Saanvi ran into the room trying to see where the medication went wrong. "The meds aren't working. She's not responding to them. I don't know what else to try." By now Michaela was in full blown tears with pain as bad as when she had been in the car.

"J..If I die...I love you." She managed to get out while trying to catch her breath. Seeing his sister in distress, Ben ran into the room. "Do something!"

"We can't. We've tried all the meds. I think this has got to come from the plane."

"Mick what is it? Heart attack or heart beat?"

"Beat. Something is going to happen." She cried. Jared was in tears too from seeing the love of his life in so much pain. "Shh it'll be alright love." Jared soothed holding her tightly. "Here I have an idea. Jared if you'd be willing."

"I'll do anything. Tell me."

"Get on the bed with her and hold her so that her head is on your heartbeat. Would you be okay with that?" He nodded and slipped off his shoes before carefully climbing onto the bed with her. It felt like old times and he had missed it. Of course he couldn't miss the tears still flowing actively. So he laid down and then moved her so she could feel his heartbeat. And after a second, miraculously hers began to calm. "Wow. I've only seen that work once and on an infant."

"It's truly a miracle."

Eventually after the two detectives fell asleep, an uninvited guest showed up. "This is what you left me for? Jesus Jared I thought you loved me."

Seeing no response from either, Lourdes threw a chair. "God damn! You've been gone for five years and you already try and take him back?"

Finally Michaela and Jared woke up and immediately Michaela began to panic. Jared was next to her trying to help her not send the heart monitors into distress once again. "Hi Lourdes. What are you doing here?" Jared asked calmly but carefully. "You. You broke it off with me. I deserve better." She came over and stood right by Mick.

"I'll get you back for this." And with that she left.

"How much more do we have to go through today?" Jared asked. When Mick didn't answer, he looked at her and she was staring off into space. "Hey look at me. I want to be with you okay? It's your choice though. Do you want to take it slow?"

"A week ago when I met you in the bar...I wanted to tell you I realized I still loved you. I want to be with you too." Suddenly without warning he pressed his lips to hers. When they broke apart Michaela smiled. "I missed that."

"I missed you."

As she was about to respond it felt like her heart was on fire. " to me babe."

"It's happening again." And right on cue her heart rate started to spike setting off the alarms. "What's happening?"

"The tests!" And finally it got to the point where she couldn't breathe anymore. "She can't breathe help her!" Jared shouted to the nurse. She nodded and put an oxygen mask on her.

"This isn't good for her. Her heart shouldn't be acting up this much in such a short period of time. I'll run more tests." And with that Saanvi left the room to get more tests, leaving Jared standing by Michaelas beside as she struggled to breathe.

published: 11/28/18
reads: 43
votes: 1

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