Appearance (Preview)

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Beings from near the center of the universe traverse far and wide in search of civilizations. The goal is to spread knowledge, and seek preservation. The universe is finite and a solution is required for life to be prolonged. There is a universal struggle of existential nihilism.

Today three ginormous masses fell to earth. It was as if the universe it's self had commanded three skyscraper sized boulders to abruptly stop above the ground after traveling faster than the speed of light. They rest atop blades of grass motionless and unrealistically.

The grass is green, mountains with peaks of snow surround the unidentified objects, and the air is crisp with tension. Everything becomes silent. It's as if time is crawling, becoming tired and sluggish. Everyone is on edge. United Nations has responded unanimously to take all precautions to assure preservation to the human race at all costs.

Almost immediately convoys deploy. They show up within 30 minutes and start restraining the floating rocks with wires and hooks. Each cable is attached to the ground with dense hydraulic systems and machines. The military take aim at the mountains they have captured. There are weapons that no one has seen before. People with black suits are in tents running operations remotely.

Suddenly after hours of waiting a loud sheering and rumbling sound can be heard from each boulder. Rocks start to break off from the outside and the restraints slip off each one. The rumbling stops after a few layers of rock fall to the ground and leaves behind much smaller sized boulders hovering above the ground. Shimmers of blue shine threw as if there was a core to each of them.

More restraints are slung with higher difficulty and failed attempts. The people in suits are motionless, almost at ease. Everyone else is petrified and motionless. The silence is broken once more as strange sounds in medium to bass frequencies breathe through the air. The men in suits don't react, but the soldiers stand at the ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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