Chapter 11

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Sapphires P.O.V.

It's been about three months since I came to this asylum. I have to say, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I have many friends. I've found out so many people have powers like I do. My new friends Logan he has these medal claws that come out of his knuckles and he can heal really fast too. my friend Clark, he can fly, has super strength, can shoot lasers out of his eyes, has frost breath, super speed, and can jump really high. I meet so many more people too.

it's fall break now. Me being from the US, and now in the UK I have no where to go. So right now I'm sitting here in my dorm room staring into space. I could hear the giggles of girls going home, the keys turning locks, the happiness of girls going home that I wouldn't ever have again. I decided that I wasn't going to stay in that room all break. So with that being said I got up.

I walked out of my dorm room and into the hallway. No one was around. I decided to take the stairs. Rushing down 7 flights if stairs I burst out the from house doors. I look around to see people buzzing to and fro wanting to go home. Watching people I slow long make my way to the fountain that's in the middle of the chaos.

I sigh knowing that I wouldn't ever be able to visit my family. Because I have no family to visit. Not ten minutes pass when I hear someone clear their throat. I stand and turn to see Sherlock, John, the doctor, the master, Sam, dean, tony, Steve, Bruce, Loki, and Thor standing there.

"Hey guys. Whats up?"

They all look around at each other then back at me.

"Hey Sapphire. We were wondering if you wanted to go to the lake with us and hang out and swim a little." tony informed me

That's when I noticed they were all wearing swim trunks. I quickly smiled.

"I'd love to. I'm gonna go change. I'll meet you guys there. Don't wait for me!"

I called behind me as I ran for my room to get in my bikini.

I'll get to see Sherlock shirtless. Hope! stop it! but I had to admit to myself he was pretty sexy. I soon got dressed and ran out to my car. Hoping inside I drove to the lake. All the boys were there. Tony and Steve were doing flips off a cliff and into the lake. Sherlock, John, Sam, and Dean were wading in the water. Loki and Thor were having a splash fight. Bruce was just sitting under a tree reading a physics book. Weird. The doctor and the master they were seeing who could annoy Bruce the most. I pull up and the boys all look over. I step out of the my car wearing my coverup.

"SAPPHIRES HERE!" Dean yells.

I wave and smile. I walk over to the picnic table and put my stuff down. As I take off my cover up to reveal my blue bikini Sherlock and John walk up to me.

"Why did you guys get out I was about to come in?"


When she asked us that question I couldn't even answer because I was to busy staring. She had a perfect body. Toned.

'So do you Sherlock' I look up to see her smirking.

'Reading my thoughts are we'

'How can I help it if you're already staring'


"Now" she jumps on my back, "carry me to the cliff"

I chuckle and walk up to the top of the cliff and set get down.

'Thank you kind prince'

"You're welcome" I replied, "now I'll just go wait for you at the bottom"

"Oh no you don't I have something I want to show you"

With that she grabbed my wrist and pulled me over the cliff. My body hit the water. I start to swim up but she stops me. She makes some hand gesture and an oxygen bubble forms around us.

"I forgot about your powers"

She nods

"Is this what you wanted to show me?"

She nods again.

"I also wanted to talk"

"About what?"

"Should I tell the boys about my powers?"

I thought for a moment.

"Do what you feel is right"

She thinks for a moment then speaks,

"I think I will. Thanks Holmes"

After that she starts to lift the bubble up and out if the water.


I raise the bubble up and out of the water. I set Sherlock and I on the grass. When the bubble pops and our feet fall on the ground I start to call for the boys.


But no reply. Sherlock and I turn to try and find them. I walk over to the lake and split it in half to look inside it.

"They aren't hiding in the lake either Holmes." I turn around after setting the lake back to see no one.

"Holmes? Sherlock? where did you guys go?"

Everyone was missing.

I trudge over to the picnic table and see a note. In very bad handwriting it says

'Hello dear. If you ever want to see your friend again you'll have to do what I say. You might be quite useful to me. But first I guess you must first find them. Use your skill. I know you can. Love yours truly- 666'

Oh no.


That only means one thing.

My friend were taken by the devil himself.

And he wants me.

This is the worst thing that could ever happen to me.

It was in that moment I couldn't have been wronger.

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