Presence (Cashby)

846 24 19

I see a blinding light. White is a good description for it. God damn it's bright. Is this what death feels like? It this the end? How did I get here?


I stick my middle finger up at my step dad, more like step monster, as he drives away. God, mom didn't want this. He doesn't even like me. That's why he is dropping me off at this god forsaken school. It's one of those fancy schools where you just stay on campus, live your life here. I walk into the reception area to a tiny old lady in her mid sixties, light white hair and fragile as ever. But I love her cat sweater. Cats are my favorite. The step monster sold my cat when mom died.

"Alan Ashby" I report

"Hi" she smile digging around the desk cluttered with paper. "I know your packet is around here somewhere."

"Take your time" I smile.

"What's your specialty?" She asks trying to make the situation less awkward. It was cute though.

"Guitar" this school is for the musically gifted I suppose. I wanted to be a cat. I mean my mom told me

"Ah! Here it is" she says handing me a thick packet. "Your room number is on it. Go down this hall and make a right and it'll be in the left" she says waving her hands around. I smile and and her before pushing through the door to the empty hallway. I guess everyone's in class.

I search for five minutes then finally find it. There was two beds, an empty on and one with someone's stuff already covering it. I throw my stuff down on the empty one and the bed groans. I sigh. This is going to be hell. A bell rings signaling the end of class and I slump around putting shit in so I can get comfy.

A tall guy, very muscular with brown glossy hair comes into the room, sees me and smiles.

"You must be my new roomie" he groans. Well the groan doesn't match the smile. I think it's a pretty fake smile.

I nod. I've always been a bit shy. I don't really feel up to talking.

"Well, I'm Austin and as long as you stay out of my way I won't beat you up"

"Okay" I squeak.

He tilts his head at me. "Why do you have so much cat crap?"

"They're my favorite, plus it reminds me of my mum"

Something like pain flashes in his eyes but he quickly covers it "homesick already" he snorts.

I shrug "you can call it that" I say holding back tears. I miss mum...

"Well they serve dinner 'till four. So hurry up. And don't fucking sit with me. I have a reputation"

I shrug. I wait patiently for him to leave and then walk out of the bedroom only to collide with something hard. I let out a yelp before hitting the ground.

"Yikes." A man with a thick British accent says "sorry mate" he stick his hand out

"Thanks" I accept and feel a strong tug that brings me to my feet.

"Good to finally have another ginger" he laughs. He is a bit husky with ginger hair and a bit of a beard forming. "Danny Worsnop"

"Alan Ashby"

"You going down to dinner"

I nod

"Well come on before they run out of food"he smiles.

"So what instruments do you play?" He asks on the walk down.

"Guitar" I mumble.

"Sweet. I play the whiskey" he laughs. "Just kidding. I sing"

"Sweet" I say. He has quite the loud personality. I don't mind. A friend is a friend.

"You're a quiet little spit fuck aren't you?" He laughs as he pushes open the door letting the sounds of muffled conversations and good food smells hit my body.

He leads me to the line and we both grab pizza. I add chips and a cookie.

"How are you so tiny? You eat so much?"Danny laughs leading to a table with four guys.

I shrug and he starts to introduce me.

"This is James" he points to a clean shaven guy with an even thicker accent, "Cam" a long, black haired guy who even wears sunglasses inside, "Sam" a think guy with a white tee and a black scarf making him seem a bit gay, "and Ben" a guy with long wavy hair and snake bites. I sit down next to Danny and Sam. They all seem quite welcoming but I'm to shy to join in conversation.

Cam notices my awkwardness "so who's your room mate?" He ask

"Austin" I say

"Carlile?" Ben gasps

"I guess"

"Dude" Danny says and they all lean in due to his whispering. What is this gossip girl? "His dad's like. The principal of the school."

"He can do whatever he wants" Cam concludes

"You better get on his good side. Or every teacher will be out to get you" Sam says

"Great" I mumble.

Presence (Cashby)Where stories live. Discover now