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              Cassandra moaned already hating the telltale signs of the impending headache that she wouldn't be able to avoid. She hated headaches and stomachaches. Damn, whatever they gave her had to be new in the market because she'd never felt the way she did. Daniella had made a bad first impression on her and for that reason alone the woman was going to wish she never touched her.

After she'd stuck Jennifer in the closet and allowed herself to be taken instead, they'd stuck her in the trunk. She had pretended to wake up but some idiot had stuck a needle in her neck, knocking her out for God knew how long. She would have kicked their asses if she hadn't passed out. But this was better because they wouldn't know what hit them. Cracking her eyelids open, she studied her surroundings. Her hazy sight revealed she was in a room that had to be a pantry judging from the shelves leaden with foods. She scoffed. Who was stupid enough to stick her in a place with food? What kind of kidnappers were they? Shaking her head she tried to sit upright. The floor was cold and her hands and feet hurt from staying in one position for so long.

It took her a few tries to get herself seated then a laugh bubbled out of her mouth when she saw what they'd tied her up with. Ropes? Seriously? She knew how to get out of every knot thanks to the summer camps she went to when she was in highschool. They had been her escape when she didn't want to go home. Maybe if she'd..... Don't think about it. Not now Cass. She admonished herself. Thinking about the past wouldn't change anything. It will only serve to make her feel more guilty and she didn't need her emotions distracting her. She was on a mission that had taken her years and years of planning. She could feel it. Her victory. Stupid emotions weren't going to get in her way.

Quickly untying her hands she bent down to untie her legs but the sound of footsteps stopped her. Her captors were coming to check in on her and it would be better if they thought she was still tied. Straightening, she hid her hands behind her back thinking of how to best them with her legs tied. It might slow her down but it wouldn't stop her. She closed her eyes, calmed her breathing and pretended to still be unconscious. The footsteps grew closer until they stopped outside the door then she heard it creak and knew whoever was at the door was watching her. Wait for it. Wait for it..... Water splashed on her face. Cassandra jerked, then opened her eyes.

"You're awake. Good. We have a lot to discuss"

"Oh hi there. Buongiorno, sono affamato. Is there a place I can order breakfast around here? Or dinner? What time is it anyway?" she asked casually. (Good morning. I'm starved.)

"Who are you? And why did you take Jennifer's place?"

"Ah you're no fun Dani. Let's beat around the bush and pretend you're the good guy here, you know."

"How did you know I was going to take Jennifer?"

"Okay I've got a scenario. How about you tell me that the only reason you're doing this is for love. Come on be creative and surprise me"

"I'm not joking around. I'll put a bullet between your pretty eyes without batting an eyelash"

Cassandra sighed dramatically "I really thought you were fun and maybe at the end of this all we might end up as friends. But I guess someone who ties up a person and sticks them in the pantry isn't nice. I like my food Dani. What you're doing to me is just cruel girlfriend. Cruel"

Daniella backhanded her and for a second she saw stars. She grabbed her jaw in her hand to keep her eyes focused on her"Tell me who you are before I ran out of patience and kill you."

"Now you're just being a bully." Cassandra said then used her legs to trip her. Daniella fell on her ass with a shriek and Cassandra was on top of her in a flash, her hands on the woman's neck. "And I despise bullies." she ground out then cocked her head to the side watching as Daniella gasped for air "Am I squeezing too much? Pardon me" instead of loosening her hold, Cassandra tightened it. "Now let's talk"

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