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I shoot up from my bed softly shouting "Nellie's in the red room" as I held my neck in my hand.

I sighed heavily and looked over the time.

3:03 am

Of course it's devils hour. What else would I expect.

I put my hand down and reached for my phone to see 5 missed calls from Nellie and 8 missed calls from Steve... Great.

When the doctor changed my meds around, I didn't expect them to make me sleep all freaking day.

I sighed again and stood up putting a hoodie on that belonged to Steve and walked out of my room. I looked around Shirley's house then went down stairs to her kitchen.

I opened the fridge and pulled out the apple juice from the back of the fridge and proofing it into my cup that I had left on the counter earlier.

Once poured, I put the big bottle back into the fridge then grabbed the cup and sat at the island and looked out the window.

I got a bad feeling in my gut and I didn't like it. I didn't like it at all.

"Auntie Stevie?" I heard my little niece say from behind me.

"Allie cat. What are you doing up so early?" I ask her as she walks over to be and pick her her up and sit her on my lap.

"I heard someone walking around and it would me up." She tells me and I smile down at her

"Oh Allie cat, I'm sorry, I just woke up and I couldn't fall back asleep." I tell and she nods her head and lays her head on my shoulder

"Auntie Stevie, are you going to get better. Mommy said you were sick and I got scared that i'd lose you." She says sadly and I hold her closer to me.

"Allie, you're not gonna lose me. You're stuck with me. You know, I used to do this with Auntie Nell when she was scared or worried about me. She was always scared she'd lose me but she still hasn't, it's gonna be a very very very long time before you lose me. Okay?" I say and she nods her head before closing her eyes and going back to sleep.

I was about to get up but I heard a voice "Stevie?" Shirl says softly. I look up and over at her and smile.

"Hey Shirl." I say and she looks at me worriedly and confused "I woke her up when I walked down her. She just fell back asleep.

"Are you okay?" She asks and I shrug

"I have a bad feeling that something is wrong but I don't know what it is. I could just be these crazy meds the doctor has me on.

"Yeah. Could be. I don't understand why you take those. No matter what you do they all don't work. You're putting yourself through this for no reason." She tells me as she sits in the seat in front of me.

"I don't know either Shirl but the doctor says so I guess I have to..."

"Steve tried to call you a couple time... Then he called me. I told him you were asleep." She says and I nod my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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