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I was packing the rest of my things to go to New York. I packed my favorite white ruffle tank top with jeans and black Toms and some other clothes for the next few weeks.

"Plain and simple" I thought to myself. Just as i closed my suitcase I felt someone in the room, i turned around almost falling over. "God dammit Russ! You scared the shit out of me." "Jeez, why so jumpy rose?" Russ said. Russ was my best friend here. He never did no harm, living In a small town in a western New York it gets kind of lonely if you don't have anyone.

"Just.. you scared me that's all..what are you doing here?" "I just wanted to say goodbye before you went on your big trip"

He was so thoughtful, everyone thought we would make a cute couple. But that was high school, were both old enough now to realize friends is just something we'll always be.

"Well since you are here, mind putting my suitcase in the trunk of my car?" I playing pushed him. "I'm not your slave rose." As he crossed his arms.

"Just do it, please?" I batted my eyelashes playfully. "Ughhhh, fine." He picked up the suitcases and brought them to car.

" gonna do some guy looking while your there huh?" I laughed, "No Russ, unless you find a 6 foot tall guys with messy light brown hair and tattoos, I'm not in." We both laughed.

"We'll just call me when you get there so I know you got there safe okay?" I nodded. He gave me a huge hug goodbye and I hopped in my car and drove away.

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