Periods ‼️

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- he buys you all the kinds of food you want
- he goes over to your house and comforts you
- you guys watch scary movies together
- you guys both eat a ton of food
- he cuddles with you a lot

- you guys usually have it around the same time
- She plays her guitar and you both sing
- you guys lay around either yours or aylas house
- you guys dance occasionally to the Beatles
- you guys talk about random stuff that annoys you guys :)))

- freaks out at first but then comes to keep you company at your house
- you guys watch rom coms together
- you guys make a huge fort out of blankets and cuddle inside
- you guys play with each other's hair
- you guys play board games occasionally

- he comes over to your house to make you feel better
- you guys watch vines (ofc)
- you guys play lots of different video games
- he takes you record shopping
- he is a complete and total goofball and makes you laugh immensely

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