Chapter One - What Happens At Fight Club

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(Hi! First Authors note here. I just want to thank you for stopping by and reading something I have worked so hard on. I hope you enjoy it all as much as I enjoy writing it. Please vote, comment and share please!)

A loud jingle emitted from Tamsin's phone that was nestled in between a few English Classics that rested on her bedside table. Tamsin had gotten in late the night before due to the awful traffic that Seattle was best known for. She had went to visit her father and her sister for the thanksgiving break and had made the mistake of staying an extra hour than she had originally planned - which in itself about killed her, because there were few things she disliked more than plans gone awry. A groan from beneath her pale blue duvet suggested that she was in fact among the living, to her roommate's dismay.

A tanned hand snaked out of the covers at lightning speed to grab her phone. It disappeared almost immediately back into the labyrinth of covers and a second later the awful jingling had been muted. The wretched tone nearly made Tamsin physically sick as her body had been conditioned to know exactly what it meant, especially every Monday morning. With a sigh, Tasmin threw the covers off her and pushed herself off her less than comfortable bed courtesy of Seattle Washington University. It was Monday, which meant she had two English essays due and a project outline analysis for another Lit class. It did not make much of a difference to her when it was due, because she was usually a week or two ahead in her assignments. A scholarship had got her here and she definitely intended on keeping it that way.

She had gotten lucky and scored a private bathroom dorm room. She wasn't sure how she would have coped about having to use a public restroom. Tasmin wasn't exactly a prude, but she was private about most things, and her naked body was one of them. Her toes curled against the soft tan carpet as she begrudgingly made her way over to the bathroom. Her eyes were still full of sleep, so she didn't check to see if her roommate was still in the room as she went. Tamsin was quick in the shower as she usually was. A puff of steam escaped from the door as she exited; the air hit her skin and immediately caused her to shiver. Her dorm was almost always cold, but the November climate was unforgiving.

Tamsin had dark hair, with a few natural honey highlights throughout. After staring at her seemingly dead reflection, a chirp from her phone got her back on track. Quickly, she pulled her hair into a half up half down design. It was close to always raining outside, so she saw no point in reaching for the dark pink flat iron she had left on the sink. Her face turned into a scowl as she admired the clear mess her mate had made in what was no doubt a haste departure. Still, it made Tamsin's face turn downward. Would it have really killed the girl to put the toilet seat cover down?

She lined her dark green eyes with a kol stick, admiring how it took very little to make her eyes look dark and sultry stricken - she had naturally deep eyes, so she rarely had to go all out in the makeup department as some of the girls she knew did. She kept it simple with some liner, mascara and some lip tint before she exited the bathroom - but not before cleaning up the mess that she had definitely not left behind. If she had been anywhere near like a normal person, she would have left the mess in an attempt at passive aggression, but she just couldn't. Maybe seeing someone else had cleaned the mess you left was a different kind of passive aggressiveness in its own form.

Dark jeans and a dark blue navy blouse, along with a grey scarf seemed to be the choice of fashion for Tam that particular day. She slipped on her grey Keds with ease as she walked over to her bedside table. In went the classic novels her phone had been hiding in earlier, along with her MacBook and her iPhone charger. The laptop and the phone had been a gift she had received from one of her great grandparents that tried to buy love every once in a while. What would have been more likely to win her over would have been a semester's tuition paid, but she supposed she couldn't complain.

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