Chapter 1: To Many People

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Bad habits, everybody has them. Especially me Harley Davis, mine is picking fights I don't need to fight. Like fighting for my friends, crushes, family, and even my neighbors. Why some may ask but the truth is I don't even know.

The question that I get asked almost everyday is well why. Then I reply every time I don't know. Is it bad that I don't know? Will we find out, yes? My parents always told me I'm special. But I didn't think it would be in this way. Is it bad is it good, I'm not so sure.

A lot of people tell me I need professional help. My parents think so too. In my eyes people should mind their own business. But I can't stop them, although I wish I could. My best friend Macie loves me like her sister and she helps me with the pain. She is like a personal therapist and I love her to.

"Hey Harley,"

"Hey Macie,"

"You okay?" she asked me. I hate when she ask me this because I always say yes then she ask more questions.

"I'm working on my emotions," I said. And that right there is my backup plan, never fails.

"Oh okay, well get to me when u think about it."

"I will Macie," I said stuttering.

I knew I lied, and I should not have she's my best friend after all. She shouldn't judge me if were best friends. Right?

But a friend should also be understanding because of how I am feeling. Eh what does it matter. I'm going to be late for school.

(at school)

"Hey Harley, I didn't see you on Friday, where were you?" that's Tristian. He is another one of my friends

"Yeah I had a doctor's appointment, AGAIN" I said.

"Yeah those always suck."

"Yep," I said grinning.

"well what are you doing after school?" he asked.

"Macie and I were going to go to the mall, your welcome to tag along if you want." I said grabbing my books.

"Yeah okay I would love to go with you." He said smiling

"And Macie," I added

"Yeah right, well I'll see u late on this evening.

"Okay Tristian, bye!" I said waving and heading to math

Math is my favorite subject, probably only because my uncle teaches it. Uncle Ben, the one that took me in when my mother died from a brain tumor. We have an 18-year-old brother named Brady as well, but he never shows ever since mom died.

Sometimes we talk over the phone, but not all the time. I took my seat in uncle Ben's class. When the class was over he pulled me by my hood and sat me down.

"Guess who called this morning?" He said shutting the door.

"Who?" I said full of curiosity

"Brady" he said.

"Really?!?!, what did he say?" I asked getting excited.

"He's coming home on Friday.

"oh cool, well I have to go to Ms. Paige's class its my last for the day then Im heading to the mall with some friends." I said jumping up and kissing him on the forehead.

"Okay well don't be late, will your friends be joining us for dinner?" he asked

"Im not sure I will ask them and see, Ill text you okay?" I said walking out the door.

Walked into Ms. Paige's class as all eyes followed me. I saw Tristian point to a chair next to him. I walked over with my head down. "Hey Tristian," I said.

"Sup Harley," He said.

"My uncle wants to know if you and Macie want to come over for dinner after the mall." I said fiddling with my pencil.

"Yeah sure I can make it, I will tell my mom" he said reaching for his phone.

"Okay ill text uncle Ben." I looked down and realized I left my books.

"Im going to guess you left your books based off of the look on your face."

Why did Tristian know me so well?? No one knows

"Yep," I replied.

"Well we can share just don't forget them tomorrow,"

"Okay," I said nodding.

A few minutes passed, and we were packing up our stuff and heading to the mall. When we got there Macie wanted to go to Forever 21 and Tristian dragged me to footlocker. I could have sworn we were in there for hours.

Turns out It had only been 10 minutes. But I guess being dragged around by Tristian isn't as bad as I imagined it. I wasn't completely un-useful, he asked for my opinion. Then that's when I looked across and saw the most beautiful heels in the world. They were gold red bottoms!

I grabbed Tristian by the shirt and we ran over to the store. I walked up to the sales clerk and he said they were 45 dollars. My heart drooped to what felt like an empty capacious hole.

Tristian had to drag me out the store. Those shoes were so beautiful.

"Come on Harley lets go to H&M," he said grabbing a hold of my hand.

"oh, okay fine" I said. Then I felt something, something that had never been there before. It felt like tingles in my wrist. What was happening to me? 



Bad HabitsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz