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"Thanks for today," I spoke to Chan as I stood in front of my door.

"No problem. I had fun," he ruffled my hair causing me to roll my eyes playfully. "Just call me if you ever want to hang out or need me, okay?"

"Okay. You should head home now. It's getting late."

He agreed and we said our goodbyes. After he got in his car and drove away, I unlocked my door and kicked off my shoes. Walking to my room, I unchanged from my outfit and got into some pajamas as it was near nine at night. Sitting on the edge of my bed, I scrolled through the pictures we took at the mall and the restaurant. There was one picture which surprised me. It was a selfie Chan took with his nose pulled up with his two fingers, his eyes wide open and tongue sticking out.

"Oh my god. This boy," I laughed and continued to scroll through more photos to see which ones I should keep or delete.


Stumbling over my shoes, I rushed around the house looking for my car keys because I start work at 7:00am and it was currently 6:58am. If you are still wondering if I work under Jungkooks company, yes I still do. I'll work for him while I look for another job that pays me enough. I know for sure that my next job won't pay me as much as Jungkooks company does because I literally get paid $50 an hour. That's a lot right? Especially for a normal employee not an assistant or something.

"Finally!" I let out a sigh or relief as I fetched my keys that were hidden under my couch. Not caring about how in the world it got there, I ran out my house and into my car before driving to work.

Entering the building, I went over to the elevators and got in. Pressing my floor number, the doors were about to close when an arm stuck through the opening causing the doors to immediately open. The lady got in and pressed the number of the floor she needs to go to. She looks around my age with dark blonde hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a black pencil skirt with a formal white dress shirt tucked in. She looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"What are you still doing here? Can't you see my boyfriend doesn't want anything to do with you?"

I was a bit taken aback. What is she talking about?

"Excuse me? Miss I think you're mistaken-" she then cut me off mid way of my sentence.

"Soyeon right? That's you. Bitch let me remind you if you're really that stupid, your ex husband, my boyfriend, and I both don't want you around us. Especially since I am aware that you still have lingering feelings for him. We don't want a loser to interfere with our strong relationship. Am I clear?" She hissed at me. I stood there, still as a statue before regaining my senses.

"Hold up mop head. Who the hell are you to talk to me like that? I don't give a fuck about what you or your whore of a boyfriend thinks of me or wants," I raised on of my eyebrows and my gaze turnt dark. "Well you know, I would keep arguing with you but I don't like to waste my energy and precious time on idiots who do nothing but talk shit about someone." I purposely flipped my hair so it hits her face and walked out as the doors opened just in time.

"Ugh! I will get you back for that you bitch!" I heard her scream and stomp her feet as the elevator doors closed shut.

Tch what a brat

I then walked to my office and set my belongings down before getting straight to work


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