Nothing But Dust

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The Professor and his apprentice, Luke, were riding on the bus that morning. The sun was out and the fine weather prompted many to walk their commutes, so the bus was nearly empty. 

Luke and Layton however decided to take the double-decker bus as they were traveling across London following a strange letter. The letter instructed them to go an abandoned shop where the anonymous sender would meet them. The letter spoke of a peculiar case of the dead being miraculously resurrected.

 "Professor, what do you think this case has in store for us? What if this letter is a prank?" Asked Luke. 

The Professor simply said " Luke my boy, one must investigate before jumping to conclusions. As for this mystery, I suppose all we can do is follow the instructions and find out."

The duo got off at their stop and walked a few blocks to the address described in the letter. The establishment appeared to have once been a clock shop. 

They pushed open the thick wooden door to find all sorts of neglected timepieces. Clocks that had fallen into disrepair littered the walls. Smashed clocks who's gears were scattered about gave proof of robbers ransacking the place at one point. 

"Hello?" called the boy in blue. No one answered, all that stirred was the dust floating in the gold amber stream of sunlight disturbed by his breath. 

Professor Layton located a puzzle and set to solving in hopes that it held some sort of message from whomever asked to meet them. The Professor worked for a while, losing track of time. The puzzle was a challenging riddle. After he completed the puzzle he looked around and saw no sign of his little apprentice. 


He called, with only dust bunnies listening. 

He walked into the back room and in the dust was a small set of footprints. Behind them, another set of larger footprints emerged. They crept up behind the little trail and the smaller trail stopped. 

The larger trail headed tword the broken window where a scrap of blue fabric had been caught on the glass.

Professor Layton and The Lost ChildWhere stories live. Discover now