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Dear Friend,

               Well, hello there! How are you? I hope you are safe and sound out there today. It's been a long time we've talked since we've been separated for years when we passed our exam and went to secondary school in a separate way. At my place, I'm fine with my new friends at my school.

               One of my friends said that your school will have a camping trip after the SPE exams. Well, how do I know about that? Here's my answer: My friend at school whose best friend learning at your place told about it. What I know is that camping is really fun! Because I've been experiencing camping once.

               You will feel the breezy fresh air in the forest with chirping birds singing their melody. The flowers blooming to show off their colourful petals. The calming sound of the waterfall tranquillizing your mind. It's so peaceful that you can relax the stress out with ataraxia! 

              I've gone to adventure a long time since I joined the camping trip. I was reckless at that time. I always wandered around the forest being a Wanderlust. I'm too young to understand the danger of being lost. So lost that no one wants to be alone out of nowhere. I was so stubborn. And at the end, things got out of hand. I was lost. So terribly lost.

              But at the time I was lost, I met a new friend in the forest. It's not like a mystical creature would give out their magical powers to save me from the evil villains. No, of course, it's not like that! Haha... Maybe I'll tell you the whole story one day when we finished our SPE exam and SSSRU exam.

              I hope you had a great time with your new friends at your school. Let's hope that they are nice and friendly to you. Good luck with your upcoming SPE exam within a few weeks. May the best of the best get excellent grades because everyone's the best. Don't forget to say hello to our old friends that I am waving to you all.

Your dear friend,


10th October 2018

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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