Returning Home

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From the POV of:

So fucking embarrassing. I should go to his stupid building and snap his neck. I had to try. That money was too good. Bianca is one of the richest queens on this stupid planet, but Bah'Vel has cash that shouldn't be laughed at either. Maybe I should take him up on his offer and stab him in the back. Turn that pretty boy over to Bianca after getting paid and make double the credits.

I glance in her direction as I pick myself up. She's getting lectured by Akasha. Guess I'll just slip outta here while they're preoccupied with each other.

"Hey, you, assassin," I hear as I start to wander off. "You answered my plea. I respect that... c'mere!" Bianca beckons me to her side. A queen speaking to me directly? If I was a geeky peon like most of this crowd, I'd be having a fit.

Only issue is... I could give two rats ass about this bitch. "What do you want? Is money involved?"

She returns a creepy smile to me. "So you move if there's money involved?"

"Damn right."

"Sounds like my type of person. Forget what that fucking traitor offered you." She spits where he stood. "I can match and even beat anything he offers!"

"Prove it."

"Well aren't you a bold one to speak to your Queen in that fashion?"

I look at her with all the disdain in my body. "You're not my queen."

"Then who is?"

My eyes roam to Akasha but she's not either. I send her a lot of clients but I don't serve her. "I belong to none of you. I'm my own woman."

"Lies. Where do you dwell? Your homeland?" She seems to be getting a little agitated as normal for her.

"I'm sorry, my career does not allow me to answer that question."

Her anger peaks, but she instantly sucks it up with an aggressive grin. Almost evil. "I'll pay you 1,000 credits to come with me. I want to see if you're worth contracting."

That's petty money but I guess this is my chance to get paid. This is also forcing my hand. Do I have to make my decision now? Should I let her control the conversation this way? "What if I say no?"

"You're not the only of your kind. I'll find someone to fill your role." She may be able to find another killer, but I'm the best at what I do. She'd be mistaken to compare me to any other peon on this useless mass we call a planet. "Akasha, I'm sorry but I'm going to go forward with my plan. You and the other queens will have to either pick a side or step aside."

Akasha responds, "Do what you feel is right, but don't be surprised if you experience resistance." Bianca retracts her weapon and dusts herself off. As the angry queen turns and starts walking away, Akasha closes her eyes and slowly shakes her head. "I sense a lot -"

Bianca cuts her off, "No one gives a fuck. Honestly, I dare anyone here to try to stop me." That's a bold claim to make in front of the Queen of the Underworld. I kinda like the confidence.

"I'll come with you."

Bianca stops and looks back at me. She smiles again with that greedy glare. "Let's get moving then. I've got work to do back on Manero."

I walk towards her as she continues to the center platform of the stadium. Akasha, with her eyes still closed, speaks out to me in a whisper, "Be careful to whom you pledge your allegiance to, child." My feet scuff across the sandy floor as I pause before her.

"My allegiance is to money. Nothing more, nothing less." I keep my eyes fixed on Mrs. Money Bags as she reaches the platform. "Hope I won't be seeing you for some time, Akasha." She laughs ever so slightly. I meet Bianca on the platform and we depart to the hallways. We first cross the queen's sky booth where the other queens are. They're tending to Corrine in the corner of the room. I guess she must've been injured in the blast from Bah'Vel. Her angelic wings seem okay. All six of them. If she dies, I'm robbing her grave for them. I can't see around the other queens surrounding her to find out her injury.

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