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All I wanted was you

Shannon was at the same party that night with some random bitch that I had never seen before. I was excited to be invited by my roommate to this party and had been looking forward to it all week. Since it was in the hills, there were some famous people present, but I genuinely didn't expect to see him there. His date wore a revealing blue strapless dress. She seemed so smug and happy to be standing there with him and as much as I wanted to say she was unattractive, I couldn't. She looked flawless with her tanned body and long legs. Her silky long hair was perfectly straightened and she looked beautiful. Once I was finished struggling to find just one single flaw on this bitch, I glanced over at him.

God, he looked so hot all dressed up. I had been so used to seeing him wear casual clothing when we were together, that I forgot how sexy he could be all dressed up. This was a pleasant surprise and I fought to pay attention to the man that was attempting to carry on a conversation with me. Clearly, we had nothing in common and my mind had been made up about him the second he approached me.

Finishing up my drink, I glanced over at Shannon once again. As the server walked by, I grabbed another glass of wine from the tray.

I tried not to draw attention to myself and hide behind people, only gazing at him every few minutes. It would've worked out fine, had I paid attention to where he was at all times. Somehow, this very annoying guy kept talking to me and the next thing I knew, I was slammed into from behind.

Regrettably, my second drink was now dripping down the front of my black dress. Shivering and looking down at the mess, I glanced upward to see Shannon grabbing my arm. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry about that." The realization hitting him hard that it was me. "Oh my God, Renee."

Fuck! That's just great, it had to be him. I rolled my eyes and walked away, attempting to get to the bathroom to clean myself up with him following close behind me. "I am truly sorry. Renee, wait! Stop."

I froze in the hallway, only to see a line of people waiting to get into the bathroom, I tilted my head. "Fucking great. Quit following me Shannon!"

"I can't when I'm the one who caused this." He looked down at the floor. "I have an idea." He held my hand and pulled me into a room, closing the door behind us.

"Are you mad? Do you know whose house this is?" I inquired, raising my voice. "I can't simply go inside some stranger's bedroom!"

"Oh come on Renee.. I'm just trying to help." He said pulling his blazer off. "Take your dress off."

"Fuck you!" I rolled my eyes. "Take my dress off? Who the hell do you think you are? Just because you're a fucking Leto, my dress is just supposed to fall off for you? Shouldn't you be with you next conquest, I mean date, ruining her night?" I was so angry and all I wanted to do was get the hell out of there and away from him.

"Ha! Goddamn, you're so sexy when you sound all conceited." He swayed his head and rolled those beautiful eyes. "I was going to turn around and give you my jacket to put on, so that you don't have to walk around all wet. I was also going to offer you a ride home." He shook his head. "You know, you shouldn't simply assume things Renee."

I felt stupid all of a sudden as I observed him turn his back to me and pull the black blazer off. "Sorry." I said through clenched teeth as I put my purse down. I slid the slinky black material down my body and stood there in my heels taking the jacket that was hanging over his shoulder and sliding it around me. If I walked carefully enough, nobody would see my ass. I pulled it closed and let him know that he could turn around, "Okay, I'm done and thanks, but just so you know, I'm still mad at you."

He twisted around and smiled. "Still mad over nothing. I've told you a million times that I didn't cheat on you and you're welcome." He granted me a smile. "You could look sexy wearing anything, you know that? I'll be right back." He walked toward the door.

All I Wanted Was You Where stories live. Discover now