Chapter 1 Noora's Pov

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Chapter 1 Noora's Pov

They sat down beneath the stairwell, hoping no one would find them.

It had been a really rough day, Jeremy had been making fun of Noora's new haircut, and said it made them look "gay"

Well, of course, that was what they were going for, but they weren't allowed to retaliate if they did they would get blamed for bringing up something gay, and that was against the rules.

Taylor was out of town for a climbing competition, and Noora was only going to be able to see her around Christmas in Ottawa when they went up to visit some family.

Noora couldn't wait until they could get out of here, but it was only 12:49 and school ended around 4:30.

They glanced at their phone, 1 new message from Michelle Jackson, their best friend.

With a quick look around the area to make sure no one was watching them, they put in their phone password and opened the message.


Noora! You free today at 7:30 for going to the mall?


Is Dan coming?


u cannot run from me Noor I will always come to the mall


Crap, Danny no


Mich help! :(


Did u really just use a comma in a text message!?


nOt ThE PoInT mIcHElLe!

Noora smirked and took another bite of their tofu burger, their friends like usual were being idiots and having fun.

They couldn't help but snicker, which caused them to swiftly raise a hand to their mouth in fear of any classmate finding them in their hiding place.

They waited for a little bit, making sure to turn off the volume on their phone before looking down again at the new message.


See you both at the mall, Dan you're paying for yourself, I'll pay for Noora and Gina.


Wait, Gina is coming?






Why am I paying 4 myself?!


Cause you invited urself i aint payin 4 u dude



Noora suppressed the laugh this time, though it was an amusing note that Dan and Noora had never said they would actually go to the mall with their overly sassy friend, but to be fair Michelle knew them both well enough to know their answers.

Just on time, the bell rang and all the students began to get up from their tables and walk to their classes.

Noora waited to pack up their sketchbooks back into their backpack and say goodbye to Michelle and Dan.

A tall boy bumped into them on his way and continued to run but not before sharing a glare at Noora to which they only shrunk away.

Just a few more hours and this could all be done, and they could go to the mall with some REAL friends.

The rest of the day to Noora's dislike was just as bad, the usual teasing and mocking before they could go home.

But of course, as soon as they were leaving they heard someone say "What's with that hair? She looks like a boy!"

Noora was more than relieved when they got a message from Gina on their phone, giving them a perfect excuse to look away and try not to embarrass themselves.

Though what the person said still hurt.


Did Michelle invite u 2 the mall tonight?


Yeah hbu?


Im going also, Michelle is picking me up, r u taking the bus or do u need a ride?


I can take the bus, but feel free 2 get Michelle to pick me up


Kk we'll get u @ 6:50ish

Noora jumped onto the bus once it came, anything to get away from school.

Just their luck that they managed to sit next to a very large lady that talked very loudly on her phone.

If it was anything interesting Noora would've tried to listen but it was the usual talk that girls have about their boyfriends, and how he cheated and all that, nothing worth noting.

They let out a sigh, this was going to be a long day.

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