Chapter 3 Dan's Pov

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Was it really 7:30 already!?

Somewhere between watching anime and eating ramen, Dan must've missed his alarm, and now he was late to meet up with Michelle, Gina, and Noora!

He slurped up the final noodle, slung his bag over his shoulders and rushed out to door only stopping to let his mom know he's going out.

If he missed his alarm than he most likely missed his bus, but if he got to the stop in 3 seconds he would be able to catch the next one.

Running in the mud was such a shame though, for he so dearly loved his shoes, no matter how stupid Noora said it was.

He might as well have been running right next to the bus to get to the stop, "Please wait for me, please wait for me!" he screamed in his head.

Honestly, he was going to blame Ciel Phantomhive for this, it wasn't his fault that Black Butler was such a good anime, even if it's his 14th time watching it (5 of those times were with Noora, but they were mostly there for Alois Trancy)

Basically out of breath, he hopped on the bus and dropped his coins in the box, they made a loud resounding thud at the bottom of the small container.

There were plenty of seats available seeing as no one ever took this bus route, only a few random students and suspicious looking guys in puffy jackets.

Dan took a seat in the back, next to a window, making sure to put his bag on the other seat so no one sat next to him, he was far too awkward for that crap today.

Especially since he had just run the speed of a fricking bus just to go to a loud mall with the gang.

He had just gotten off the bus when he heard Noora's voice.

"Well, if he's 30 minutes late I guess he's dead!" They joked, "No loss there!"

Dan ran up next to the tall non-binary friend and play slapped them on the shoulder.

"As if I'd die that easily." he retorted.

"I don't know, doesn't seem like you have much of a life to lose!" Dan could see now that Noora had brought Taylor, she had her hand inside Noora's purse and taking out the french fries that they most likely had bought while waiting for Dan.

Dan honestly didn't like Taylor all that much.

She was almost always with Noora and wasn't much of a fan of Michelle or Dan either.

When she was around you weren't even able to touch Noora, or at least that's how it felt.

Not to mention she always stole your food, like she currently doing to Noora.

"Okay so you're all probably really bored right now, except you Dan cause you're late as heck, but I have a plan and I even already bought the tickets." Michelle butt in on Dan's thoughts.

She had a confident look to her, there was a good chance that whatever she had just come up with, it was going to be a doozy. 

Writers Notes!! 

Sorry that this chapter is so short!

I'm currently still working out the characters for WDwD and I'm hoping to develop their separate personalities!

Here's how they should hopefully turn out.

Noora- anxious but deep and sort of silent

Michelle- Sassy but a good friend

Dan- Anime (cause that's totally a character trait) also totally an anxious weeb

Taylor- Stoic and cocky but still has a lot of self-doubts

Charis (Share- ees) - Self-loving only, fashion is life to her

Echo- Homophobic and a slut

Gina- sweetheart with a sense of humour 

Ryan- Jerk that smokes too much weed oof 

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