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 The Devil

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 The Devil

Quiet, what a beautiful sound for someone like Eden Houghs. Feet off the floor, tucked beside her thighs, leaning against the arm of the chair. A 'Chemistry of Magic' laid on her legs. The light shown in through the windows made her hair look orange. Shoes on the floor, her ,mismatched  socks on full display

'Hey.' Lizzie smiled while knocking trying not to scare the girl 'what are you reading' she asked while she leaned against the door 'Chemistry of Magic.'Eden sighed while shutting the book. 'let me guess,' Lizzie teased while walking towards the red head 'you still haven't got the pronunciation down?'  'Hey,' Eden exclaimed 'Latin is not easy believe it or not.' Eden stood up slowly and stretch. 'Any idea who your father gone to get?' Lizzie replied with a sigh 'No idea, all I know is that he took Hope Mikaelson with him" ' Hope?' Eden questioned while rasing an eyebrow. Lizzie sighed with shaking her head yes.

'To get the topic of off Hope,' Lizzie said hopefully while smiling 'I was wondering if you'd like to greet the new guy with Jo and I.'  'I would love to' Eden assured 'When are they suppose to be here?' Eden added 'In like, two minutes.' Lizzie replied sheepishly 'Liz!' Eden shouted while sitting down to put her shoes on 'What?' Lizzie mumbled 'Two minutes is plenty of time' 'Says the girl who takes an hour to get ready' Eden retorted while standing up 'Okay,let's go and get Josie.'

When the black car came to a stop four people got out. Two she was familiar with while the other two males she was not. As the boys got out of the car Lizzie turned towards her and suggestively raised her eyebrows. Eden just smiled and shook her head. Eden turned to Josie who she was standing next to. "I thought your dad was only getting one person?' Eden questioned 'I thought so too' Josie whispered back.  

"Welcome to The Salvatore School,' Lizzie said with a peppy smile 'We're your tour guides' 'I'm Josie' Josie grinned 'I'm Lizzie and this is Eden" Gushed Lizzie. Eden only smiled at the boys not wanting to be rude. She looked around the trees and tuned out the girls until she heard her name  "Eden would you mind coming with us?' said Alaric. As if she could say no if she wanted to. She looked at Lizzie confused and replied with a sigh and a smile "Of course'. 

"I'm Curious,' Alaric said as they walked towards his office "Were you aware of us when you lived in Mystic Falls?' 'Uh, I knew Hope went to some fancy boarding school. People in town said it was for troubled rich kids" Landon said reluctantly "Not all of us are rich, troubled most definitely' Eden responded as Landon turned around to glace at her while she spoke. 'Nobody in town mentioned anyone here could do that' Landon  commented as he saw a girl lift two books. Eden shrugged with a smile "If you think that's weird, just wait."

Alaric retorted as he opened the door "No one in Mystic Falls knows much about us. We blend in just enough. Participate, contribute just enough. Keeps people from asking to many questions." "What is there to know, exactly?' Landon asked as he sat down. 'Ever read harry potter or see the movies?" Eden asked as she sat down in the seat next to Landon as Hope stayed by the door. "You're a school for magic?" Landon questioned "We are a school for supernatural, which covers a lot of territory" Alaric sighed "Everyone here has something that makes them special in ways that the outside world wouldn't understand". Landon turned he's head towards Hope

 ' So, what are you?" Landon Inquired "I should get to class" Hope smiled 'No," Landon exclaimed 'Sorry, I don't mean to be a dick," Eden snorted "but I don't know either of you, and though the image of you whammying a priest is still fresh, I need you here." He confessed. "How cute" Eden mocked "Miss Houghs" Alaric warned "Sorry" she mumbled "Just tell me what all that was in the church last night?" Landon sighed. " What do you think it was?" Alaric questioned "Well, as best as I can reason, either I've lost my mind or werewolves are real." Landon said "Let's hope you haven't lost your mind" Eden teased. "Th-This is beyond insane. How is that even possible?" "It's a long story, involving an ancient, vengeful witch and a bloodline curse. We cover all that in Origins of the Species, grade six." Alaric sighed "In sixth grade at my school, we learned the state capitals." Landon snapped "We teach that , too." Hope laughed

"I have some questions about Rafael." Alaric added "Like what? " Landon asked "Well, let's start with who he killed recently." Alaric retorted "Why would you ask me that?" Landon snapped "The werewolf gene lies dormant until the carrier takes a human life." Alaric insisted "If Rafael triggered his curse, it's because he killed someone and we don't accept coldblooded killers into our program." " He's not a killer." Landon testified "Well, I know a little bit about his background." Alaric sighed as he began to read the folder " Neglectful birth parents. Orphaned in adolescence. Six foster homes in seven years. Prone to fits of anger." "Yeah, you could just as easily be reading my file That's what it's like out there for people like him and me." Landon added. "Landon, I know this is a lot to take in right now, but we're only trying to help." Hope consoled "I've been going here since I was seven. This is a safe place for people like Rafael. It's a home. "But if we take him in, we need to make sure he is not a threat' Alaric announced. "His girlfriend Cassie" Landon admitted "Last month he was driving, there was a storm, he took a turn too fast, and then he started acting out. At first I thought it was just grief. Then maybe maybe drugs or something, and then he threw a 200-pound lawnmower 50 feet across the yard. That was when our foster parents called in the priest. I guess they thought he was possessed by the devil." Landon concluded. "All of that is consistent with a newly triggered wolf. It's normal. Thank you for that, Landon."  Alaric replied calmly.


I'm sure this is awful but I wanted to get the first chapter up for you guys to read ! this is my first fanfic so im sorry if its trash . Also please don't forget to comment and vote!

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