requests ✓ open

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Hello lovely human beings!

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Hello lovely human beings!

This is where I will be taking requests from you.

As I tend to procrastinate a lot, I end up not writing anything at all for weeks. Which is why I am asking you to drop any request about what kind of oneshot you would wish to read about, and I will get back to it as soon as possible.

If you wish to submit a request, please comment the form given below. Only the first option is mandatory, but you can add the other three if you wish:

i. character/ship you would like me to write about
ii. setting/time (hogwarts, post hogwarts, post war etc)
iii. mood (angsty, fluffy, sad, happy etc)
iv. anything else you would like to see

Do remember that this is not going to be first come first served, because I will write whichever I feel inspired for. That doesn't mean I will just abandon a request - I will write it, it will just take a while.

I also have the right to decline a request if, for example, it's something I don't feel comfortable writing about (such as toxic ships, or smut or teacher x student) so if I decline a request, please don't get offended. On the other hand, if you request a non problematic ship which I personally do not ship (such as Ginny/Luna) I still might do it, although it really will depend on my mood.

And also, please request in this chapter only, because if you comment somewhere else, or pm me, I might forget about it later on. I will also reply to requests I have completed with a tick (✓) so that I can keep track of what I'm doing.

That's all, I would really appreciate any kind of feedback from you! Once again, thank you for reading <3

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