Chapter 5 - Downtown

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I was free, I was lost, and most importantly - if I showed my face, I'd get shot.
I had felt continuous guilty for shooting Connor. I could barely even use a gun! I let out a long sigh and rested my head to the fan. It's cold and steady structure didn't help me relax in the continuous snowing.

I tried to rest, but all I cloud do was to catch my breath - and a cold. I had to get somewhere safe, but the weather didn't leave me much room.

I got up, and looked around. No cops were in my sight, and I was able to continue by the rooftops. I had never been one that had a perfect body structure, but I managed to go on by some smaller buildings.

I followed the rooftops, and tried to dodge any big posters and lights. I knew there would be cops after me, and I had to be careful.

There was no useful shelters or safe places to rets downtown, but all I got was an old, fluffy jacket. It covered well my old jacket that had been covered in my blood. I took the bus over to the city. I covered my face most of the time, and kept my (H/L) hair on my face to make sure less people recognised me.

It was a good attempt to, but I still had to leave from the main road in order to get curious people off me.

Connor's P.O.V.

I tried to patch up the gunshot over at the department. I soon got it fixed, but I couldn't be bothered by it.

My mission included to gather all evidence possible, and that was what I intended to do. Included finding (Y/N) or not, I would have to do it.

I made my way to the evidence room with Hank, and looked around to what we had. Barely anything was there.

"Made no progress, huh?" Hank said as he leaned to the computer table.

"My mission to catch (Y/N) was sadly unsuccessful. We haven't made any progress, but if we catch her, we might be able to solve this case." I said as I looked through the evidence.

"Jesus Christ Connor, you make no sense!" Hank groaned. "Settle your mind and choose what you're going to do." He continued.

Software Instability ⇡⇡

"I'm sorry that I couldn't catch her. I should've been faster." I said and looked down.

"Connor..." Hank started and I looked up.
"Nothing." He mumbled and swiped across the air with his hand. He walked out and I came soon after him.

Would (Y/N) even survive in that weather? I decided to just follow Hank to his apartment and get over what happened.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Downtown sucks. I lost my mind trying to find a shelter, and ended up just wandering off to the old dock. The place bought back old memories when I first guided broken Androids to Jericho. It had been a good few months since then.

I walked around and let my feet shutter in the snow. Maybe it would have been better if I let Connor capture me after all. I knew he was just trying to do the right thing. And neither did this make me any happier.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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