Chapter 3:Running

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Chapter 3

Twisting my body around and grabbing the blondes hand in mine, I started to bolt towards the other side of the cabin. As more of the bottles were thrown into the front part, most of the cabin started to be consumed by fire. Running down the hallway, I threw my bedroom door open and dragged the guy in with me.

"What's happening?" He asked me confused. I didn't answer him. Adrenaline pumped through my body and I quickly grabbed my stuff. Picking up my riffle, I slung it over my shoulder. Next a found my back-pack full of emergency stuff. Thank whatever was watching me that I was ready for something like this. Peeking inside, I made sure I had the few clothes I had and the extra bottles of fresh water and food. I grabbed some of the extra ammo and weapons that were around my room, I shoved them in my back-pack with the rest of my stuff.

The guy's eyes were full of panic as smoke started to sneak through the crack from under the door. "Come on, let's go. There is an extra door which we can get out of." I ordered him. Reaching out and grabbing his hand again, I kicked open the door and made our way to the last room in the corridor. Opening that door also, I slammed it behind me.

"Help me." I ordered the guy. I walked towards a large bookcase and started to push it out of the way. The guy seemed to have been brought out of the daze he was in and helped my push the bookcase out of the way. Once it was moved, I saw the extra and hidden door that only I knew of. Checking that my hand gun had enough bullets for now, I opened the hidden door. "Come on." I said to the guy.

By now I could feel the flames getting closer and making the cabin feel like it was a fireplace. Smoke was filling in the room and made my eyes blurry. The guy didn't move. The smoke seemed to be getting in his system, or his body froze from shock. I growled under my breathe, grabbed my hand-gun and pushed him through the open secret door.

We made it out in enough time before an explosion went off inside. The shockwaves made the two of us be launched in the air slightly and make us fly through the air in the distance. Landing on the ground with a thud, I groaned as I started to get up. It would be dangerous if I stayed on the ground. Looking around, I saw that the blonde was only a few feet away from me on the ground. He groaned himself as he tried to get to his feet.

The clearing we were in was the one behind the cabin. It was hidden by the thicket of dead trees. The clearing was also illuminated by the burning cabin. Turing my body around, I looked to see the place that I had called home for six years, burning as flames bounced and danced around it. Consuming it in the red and deadly heat of fire. It was a beautiful, horrifying and a sad sight to see all at the same time.

I could hear the woops and cries of the cannibals on the front side of the cabin. Hopefully, none of them would think that we had escaped to this side. Of course, fate didn't really like to be in my favour. Rustling sounded from behind me and I instantly turned, hand-gun readily aimed and ready to fire.

Narrowing my eyes, I looked to see any sign of where the sound came from. The groaning of the blonde guy didn't help in trying to hear or focus on where it had come from, and it would give us away to the enemy. "She looks tasty." I could hear a wild and cracking voice say. Jumping, I faced where the voice had come from. "Yes, she does. She's not that big or too thin. Just right." Another voice said, this one sounding more refined and serious than the one from before.

This was going to be hard. Obviously two cannibals had found us. I couldn't focus on one without the other nearly sneaking up on me. Growling, I flicked my eyes from left to right. "If you two want me, come out and get me!" I yelled out in challenge, just loud enough for only them to hear me. Their laughs and cackles echoed through the clearing. A battle cry came from behind me.

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