tagged again

10 1 0

ok so im somehow popular enough to be tagged again so here we go
1. my phone (yup totally your run of the mill teen)
2. oof dont wear it (unless it's theater but that's different)
3. tbh i like yellow roses because they're v v happy
4. my style is the love child of torid and hot topic soo
5. perfume gives me headaches
6. flats
7. usually, or basically as long as i find the time to do homework (fun fact - homework was originally invented as a punishment for a teacher's students)
8. green purple black yellow and teal
9. if i stay up wayy too late one night
10. orange juice is my friend
11. kinda, but i used to really love it
12. uhh, no who actually does that
13. lmao i don't care much for my skin tbh
14. yes, but to who (in terms of gender identity) doesn't really matter to me also i want adorable babies (although knowing me they'll probably be messed up in some way...)
15. not unless you hurt my friends or accuse me of something i didn't do
16. meh, not really
17. a slight fear of the dark i guess OH AND MY OLD HEAD TEACHER
18. ...yes
19. not just yet
20. yes but tea is better and i will fight you

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