chapter 2

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Ashley's POV.

i was allowed to go home a few days ago it's also been a few says since i had that dream. if felt so real it was unbelievable. i havne't told anyone about it not even Andy.

right now i was holding carson he is a really good baby. he dosen't cry much, and sleeps through the night. he loves to play, and for someone to hold him. Daddy's boy though,all the way.

i laid carson back in his crib and went down stairs to see what everyone else was doing. cc looked like he was playing a video game, jake was eating us out of house and home. and the girls where talking at the table.

i waited a few minutes and heard jinxx start playing his violin and the girls to start yelling. i sighed everything seems alright down here.

Andy wouldn't be back until later tonight so i went back  upstairs. i yawned i've been really tired lately, and i don't eat much anymore.

i walked over to the full sized mirror, you can tell i have lost some weight. Andy asked me if i was ok last night i told him i was fine. but to be honest i don't know what is wrong with me.

it kind of scares me,but i usually just shrug it off. but it is getting harder and harder to do so. it's like im missing something, it was a weird feeling.

i sighed and laid down on the bed, hopefully i can get some sleep, but as always that is not going to happen.

carson started crying, it must be time for him to eat. i was about to get up when i heard andy.

"it's ok babe i got him you get some sleep" with that he kissed me on the head and went to go feed carson.

i took a deep breath and tried to relax.

'relax my dear everything will be alright'

with that my eye's shot open, i looked around the room.

'what the hell was that'

'ashley love don't use that kind of language it's no becoming of you'

ok i'm going crazy or something, yea i really need sleep because this is starting to creep me out.

i laid back down trying to calm my heart rate down. wait...i'm i freaking vampire why do i have a heart beat?!?!

i put my hand over my chest and sure enough it was beating. ok now im serious something is going on. and im not liking it.

suddenly i was very sleepy, i could barely keep my eyes open. the more i tried to keep them over the heavier they got.

soon they were closed and i was out like a light.

(ashley's dream)

i was in a house again except this time it was a newer one. it was amazing, but a little to open for my taste but beautiful none the less. i continued to walk around the house, there were many pictures.

some were just paintings of the trees and stuff others were of people. one specifically caught my eye, it was a man. he was very handsome if i do say so myself. but there was just something about him that didn't feel right.

the look in his eye's....i can't describe's like they are looking into your soul or something.

he looked like he held alot of power but his eye's looked like he craved more.

it was unreal..

"i see your looking at the pictures" a voice said

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