Part 2 : Quick catch up

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While waking I zoned out, thinking about what I had said, am I really such a big jerk? ...
My pace slowed down as I sighed and stopped in my tracks- by this point I was just about outside of the school gates. I breathed heavily and closed my eyes thinking if I should apologise- soon, I heard footsteps running towards me faintly in the distance and a small 'hiyoko!! Where are you?!" I suspected it was yukizome and I was in huge trouble, but when the voice was clearly audible I turned around to see..


She was breathing really heavily, she must've ran really far just to catch up with me
"Huh, Mahiru? What are you doing?"
"I w-worried .. about you" Mahiru panted heavily
"oh..I'm sorry. You really didn't have to go that far to catch up with me." I sighed "shouldn't you be in class?"
"Nah..I'd rather make sure you're where are you heading"
"Well, there's no way I'm going home- my parents would scold me."
"Hm..there's a nice park around..wanna take a walk?" Mahiru giggled "it's a nice day, who'd want to be cooped up in class?" She grabbed my hand "let's go!" And she proceeded to pull me along, cheerfully laughing along the way.

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