Social Media V. Relationships

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Social media has grown tremendously recently and it gets in the way of many people’s lives. The majority of people these days have a cellular device. Some know how to have one and be involved with others, but with teenagers, it might be a bit harder for them. Social media gets in the way of connections with people because of false communications and ignorance.

Social media causes false communications with friends. People begin to believe everything they see online. People spread rumors best throughout the internet. Rumors are a modern-day popular thing that many people choose to do. It shows that people have poor communication skills. A lot of people recently have been creating fake accounts and it can destroy friendships. They make you believe they’re whom they say they are, and nobody thinks to ask their best friend. People tend to not pay attention to how the person online is acting. Social media has ruined modern-days’ society. False communications are created because of the connections people have to these social networks.

Teenagers have become obsessed with their cell phones. They tend to ignore everything around us. This obsession motivates teenagers to ignore our closest friends. Teenagers love to pay so much attention to their phones that they do not realize how obsessed they have become. They ignore their best friends and this rips apart friendships and friends lose their connection. Teenagers that are so involved with their phones never know what is going on around them. People like to wear their headphones all of the time and watch netflix and listen to music. They never realize people are trying to talk to them and they get mad at people for trying to get their attention. Social media creates ignorance towards and with friends. Social media is just altogether in the way of the real world.

Others may believe social media and phones keep a great connection with friends. An example of why they may think this is long distance friends. Their thinking is not valid because I have friends of my own, and social media does not keep us together. It’s those 3-hour long calls and that great bond that we have that holds the bond. The claim that phones and social media get in the way of everyday life is stronger because social media completely obliterates friendships. My evidence has proven how it does so.

False communications and ignorance are created by social media because of the great bonds it obliterates. Friendships are completely destroyed due to rumors, fake accounts, and ignorance towards others. Social media is a terrible way to express how you feel and it does destroy friendships. I have had experience of this. So, the next time you find you and your friend falling apart, think about this: how many times have you ignored or disrespected them and their needs? How can you fix them? Are you willing to change your ways to save that friendship or are you more dedicated to your phone?

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