Chapter 13

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Trey POV

To my amazement my grandmother had adored Tameka. Grandma wasn't mean but she was overprotective of the men in my family. Tameka was the first girl I ever cared about enough to introduce to my family. Tameka and I were taking it slow so we weren't boyfriend and girlfriend yet but wouldn't mind making her one. She had told me about he situation with her father and I gotta say that I ain't never heard of no cold shit like that. I guarantee my seed going to always have me in their life, I know the pain I felt growing up without a father and I wouldn't want to inflict that pain on any one. Tameka was holding up well and I was happy.

I had did all my school work, started working ahead in some classes. (Please excuse my nerdiness). I had heard a ring from my phone so I picks it up to see granny was calling me.

"Hey Grandma."

"Hey baby, Tell Tameka I loved the stuff she picked out."

"I will, she need to come help me do my apartment."

"Yes cause its a pure disaster, chile." She say hurting my feelings a bit.

" Grandma it ain't that bad." I say.

"Hmph, I know you better keep her in you life, she's pretty, smart, has manners, and can decorate a home from an ipad." My grandma crazy.

"Okay grandma, I shocked you like her."

"We'll,you like her for her not for lust, you stared at that girl like she was the best thing you ever seen, and when you talk about her you jus gush, I love seeing love, lust is easy to find." With that we said our goodbyes and hung up

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