Valcen's Help

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Sam had just made sure his princess Mino' s room was vampire free. Then he left so she could sleep in peace. He had also informed that after tomorrow, she'll not see him.

"Samuel." Sam turned to see Valcen.

"Valcen? What can I help you with?" He asked. "'Every wolf has a part of them that is missing. Only one thing can make a wolf whole. Their mate. The males are possessive of their mate. They prefer to be by their mates side at all times. And will do anything for his mate. Including die for them.'"

Sam was frozen in his shoes as he listened to the prince's words.

"Mino' s your other half. She's your mate. Isn't she?" Valcen asked. Sam looked at the door, Valcen saw the longing in the guards eyes. And knew the answer.

"Yes. She is. But I'm nit allowed to claim her. Not yet. She isn't even allowed to know." Sam said. Valcen could see the shifters sadness and felt ity for his friend.

"When can you?" Valcen asked. "When she turns seventeen." Sam said. Ouch four years. "I'll talk with them. I think you two should be happy together." Valcen said truthfully.

Sam smiled gratefully.


Dracula entered Mino' s room. She didn't have her mut guard with her. It's a full moon.

She was sleeping so peacefully. That it made him smile.

He sat on the bed beside her. "It's almost tome for you to come to your real home my darling bride." He said, stroking her hair.

Mino stirred in her sleep.

Her eyes cracked in a still asleep kind of way. "Sam? I don't want to wake up yet." She said sleeply.

Dracula pulled her covers up a bit more and tucked her in. A small smile on her face appeared, and Dracula knew she was sound asleep again.

He took her hand and opened it to reveal his mark in her soft skin. He smiled at the sight of it.

He bent down and kissed Mino' s forehead.

Then he got up and flew off.


Valcen went to his parents room, he saw that it was only his mother in the room. She smiled at her son. "Valcen? What is it?" She asked.

"I know." He said. "Know What?" She asked. "About Sam and Mino." She looked at him shocked. "Valcen. Your sister isn't to know about this." Anna told her son.

"Why not? She has the right to know about this." Valcen said. "We want her to choose." Van told his son, coming out of the master bathroom.

"So her choice is a Vampire King who won't die. Or Sam would Will die to be with his mate. To be with Mino." Valcen said. He saw his parents were going to argue so he interrupted them.

"Have you seen the way the two look at each other? The longing in their eyes? Plus. Sam could help us protect Mino from Dracula." Valcen said.

Anna sighed.

"Why are you so up for the two being together?" Van wondered. "I want my sister to be happy. And she's the happiest when she's with Sam." Valcen said. Then sighed. "Just give them a chance to be happy together." Valcen begged.

His parents looked at each other.

"We will discuss this. But for now. Not a word about this to Mino." Van said. Valcen nodded. And then left.

Sam just need led to wait for the end of the full moon. And then he'll be one more step closer to being with his mate.

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