The letter

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    It wasn't too cold. Maybe a little. Katsuki found himself shivering as he walked outside. He feels winter approaching. The ground is wet from rain the night before. His foot steps splash in just about every puddle. Pissing him off. 'Bullshit rain'. He thinks about using his quirk to dry off. He decided against it as he opens his mail box 'I'll just go back inside.'
    'Spam. Spam. Bill. More spam. UA mai- ' "UA MAIL!??" He didn't mean to shout. But he hasn't thought about that school in 7 years. Not since everything changed. He didn't want his neighbors hear. His apartment complex is riddled with villains and outcasts. Katsuki wasn't even sure how they had gotten his address. He's been under the radar for so long.
    -SLAM- he shuts his door and looks left and right. Never knowing who could even be around. He opens the letter.
     DECEMBER 23rd
                   -TENYA IIDA
    Nothing else. Except the school logo on the top. He figures. 'Tenya was always very direct. He always wanted to be right. He always wanted to be his damn brother.' Katsuki throws everything out except the letter. He wants to go. But won't even admit to himself.
     "OPEN UP FIREMAN" shouting came from outside his door. He hated his nickname here. No one can even blame him. He started a fire in his first building. No one knew how it happened other than that he was the only one in that building that day. Not a mark was left on him. And obviously no one told the cops anything. Not that they cared too much about this area.
      After the door swung open two People were standing there. One was a woman in a suit, Her quirk was shape shifting. Toga. Or as he called her. Blood bitch. The other was a man of scars. Dabi. The real man with fire. The one who converting a once young hopeful boy. Into a villainous man.
      "Let's go out and have some fun" Toga was excited. Seems she had a few things up her sleeve. Katsuki was never a follower. But he agreed. "Whatever. Just know I'm not going to enjoy it." Still thinking of the letter. Dabi was quick to notice things. Like the only envelope in the entire house sitting on the kitchen counter. This one with the UA logo. He wasn't about to lose the person he changed for the worse. He laughed. "Of course you will."
    Toga was talking and yet no one was listening. She always went on little rants that no one paid attention to. Except this time she noticed both Katsuki and Dabi staring at something in the kitchen. Next thing they knew she was reading the letter. Cackling at the thought of Katsuki being around a bunch of heros. "I just got the best idea ever guys. How about you go to this reunion and then we crash and kill everyone hahahahahah. Wouldn't that be just amazing?"
     Dabi immediately conspired with her leaving Katsuki out. Katsuki was pissed off. But he didn't know how he would feel being around the people he spent 4 years of high school with. Let alone killing them. But something just came to mind. The idiot that started it all. The idiot that ruined his life. The one person he didn't want to see ever again for the rest of his life. "Deku" his hands started to spark.

*wow so this is my first fan fiction I have ever written. It's probably gonna be bad. So 😬*

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