The Flashback

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*TRIGGER ⚠️  WARNING* violence

   ^set just after graduation^
    Katsuki is excited. He just graduated. He is smiling. Like actually smiling. "Goodnight!!" For some reason the scream was unanswered. His steps down were loud. But not as loud as the television that was blaring from the living room. When the door opened he saw both of his parents passed out, beer is all over the table. He thought nothing of it and turned the TV off, leaving to his room to go to sleep.
    He was having a strange dream about a campfire and about to smell of smoke. All of a sudden he started to open his eyes barely able to see anything from the fog of his room. 'Fuck. Something isn't right. Something is really not fucking right' he thought. Katsuki tried to leave out of his bedroom door but the door knob was hot; it was almost as if somebody intentionally made it this way.
    Sirens were blaring up and down the street. It felt like a scene out of a horror movie. Cops. Heros. Firemen. Katsuki decided last minute 'I'm going to jump. I'll rush inside and save them. It's my only option.' When he jumped he saw Deku, lifting Debris. Pushing stuff outta the way trying to get inside. Firemen and heros tried to contain the fire. But it kept spreading. No matter how hard it was Deku never gave up. He didn't believe in that. He believed in being a hero.
      Katsuki knew his parents were in trouble and he kept screaming "DO SOMETHING DEKU. YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING OR GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Knowing his only option was to blast through he tried to move the broken pieces of his home. It felt like a never ending pile of rubble. But then. He can see them. His parents. Tears almost forming in his eyes as he can at least see them again. Noticing now he doesn't see their chests moving. He can't see much of anything. The smoke is eating the room and yet he still tries. Deku finally moves the last piece of wall out of the way.
    "MOM! DAD. WAKE UP. WE NEED TO LEAVE." Katsuki is grabbing at them. Holding them up trying to make it out the way he came in. Deku grabs his mom and is lifting her by one arm. Then grabs his dad. They finally have the fire under control. But Katsuki thought he saw someone in the smoke. He wasn't sure though. Thinking nothing of it he just continues to be by his parents side.
   Now outside the medics are there. "HURRY GET A BREATHING BAG" - "OXYGEN WE NEED MIRE OXYGEN" everyone was yelling. Deku wouldn't stop trying to talk to Katsuki. 'Shut up nerd. I need my parents alive. Not you mumbling shit" he then sees the ambulance drive off.
    The police are taking statements from everyone there. Including Katsuki. He tells them everything he knows. About how he wanted to use his quirk but didn't because it wouldn't have helped. Yet Somehow they think he is to blame. Even so much as placing him inside the police car in cuffs and dragging him to the station. He spent hours in an interrogation room. An officer comes in and asks a detective to speak outside.
    Once the detective walks back into the room she says "so you killed them for money is that why IS THAT WHY YOU SET THAT FIRE HUH?? YOU THINK THAT GETTING LIFE INSURANCE WOULD HELP YOU BECOME A NUMBER ONE HERO. we spoke to your classmates they all think you are violent." Hoping to get him to confess to everything. Katsuki was at a loss for words. He didn't know his parents had just died. He got so angry he started to spark. The detective calls for a cop to come in and change his restrains to one that suppresses quirks.
    Katsuki was then transferred to a holding cell. They decided to charge him with murder and arson. They had a motive. His parents money was running out. They had become alcoholics, refusing to pay bills or even work. The lights were about to be shut off, they received an eviction letter that day. They thought he wanted the life insurance money to help him go to college and finish out his hero studies as well as live a "lavish lifestyle".
As he sits in the cell he tries to think of his folks. They just died and he knew he wasn't able to save them. His mother was someone he was so close to that he couldn't even imagine a world without her. His father was someone who taught him kindness (not that he ever used it) and without that could he ever feel compassion again. Then a flash of Dekus face appeared in his mind. "That nerd knows everything. Everything except how to save my parents. I hate him. This is his fault." Katsuki found himself mumbling like him. Mocking him.
Looking up he noticed no one is around. No one can hear him or see him except one police officer standing by the cell guarding it. Tears fell from his face as he realized he was all alone now. Now laying on the cold metal bench his tears felt frozen to his face.
"Wake up. Now." A woman's voice broke the silence of the cell.
"The fuck are you" he replied still half asleep. The sun was up. 'I can't believe I slept here. Don't they know I'm innocent by now. Assholes. Every last one.'
"I am your attorney. Court appointed that is. So. Did you really think you could kill your parents or was that an after thought ? See they have motive. And evidence. It was not an accident. The fire started from the living room to your room. And a witness says you jumped out of the window. After it had spread you were caught helping the heros on duty....." she wouldn't shut up. Already thinking he was guilty.
"LISTEN HERE BITCH. I loved my parents. I would never kill them. I didn't even know they were dead until they had me questioned!!!" He interrupted her.
"My name isn't bitch. It's M. Refer to me as such." She was beautiful. Her Hair was dark, long and straight. Her blazer wasn't buttoned but she was practically covered every where else. Skin tight but covered. "I think that our best bet is taking a deal. They most likely will offer a few years and probation for a little more. IF you stay good in prison. You can say it was arson for the house insurance but not murder. It was an accident and that's why you tried to save your parents." It was like she'd done this before.
'Why won't this dumb bitch shut up.' "I'm not saying I'm guilty." Basically fuming, if he could.
"Do you want 25-life or do you want to do something much much less? Think about that. You have until 9am tomorrow. That's when we are going to court for your arraignment." She starts to walk away but winks at him as if she already knew.
Katsuki spent the rest of the day in the cell recounting everything from that day. The hours dragged on and on as if time had just stopped. He couldn't eat. He only kept thinking about the day to come or shall I say the days to come.
9am - keys are clanking making Katsuki jump up from the bench. He is ready to defend himself. He is willing to risk everything.

    Months past as he tries to defend himself. But it felt as if everyone was against him. Especially Deku who testified that he was angry throughout school and violent towards him since they were kids. The whole thing went by fast in the courtroom but time seemed to barely move in his cell. Every time he entered the courtroom it was almost like being in time warp. As if no one could hear him or even see him.
    "We find the defendant Not Guilty of premeditated murder." Katsuki wanted to start crying, but he didn't. He just smiled. Maybe someone was listening to him. Someone heard his pleas that he wouldn't kill his parents. "And for arson, we will meet tomorrow. 9am sharp." The judge was stern as always. Voice carried as far as it could. Slamming into the walls and doors. He didn't like Katsuki at all.
     "I just heard from counsel and they are wanting to give you a plea deal for arson." M was strong about accepting a deal from the beginning. More convinced now than ever the he had burned the house down for the homes insurance money compared to killing his parents. He showed empathy in eyes for his parents and the way he carried himself was of someone who is grieving.
    "Plea??" Katsuki started to laugh. "Did you not hear. The think I'm not guilty for killing my own parents. I'm sure they will see I'm innocent in this. You need to believe me. We will win. I WILL WIN!" Shouting at M wasn't going to get him anywhere. She wasn't backing down. She had already spoken to the other side and it seems as if the evidence is strong. They found his laptop with search histories for the night before on arson. And insurance for his parents home was taken only a few months prior to his graduation. The police had video evidence of him inside of an insurance building and signing away as the only beneficiary.
      "Look. They wanna give you three years and you can get out early for good behavior. But you have to complete 5 full years of probation. It's looking good. Well. Better this way. It's that or you could get a max of 20 years." She wanted him to agree. 'He doesn't seem like such a bad kid. Just a little messed up. This will be good for him.'
       Katsuki sat for 10 minutes. He wanted to cry. He had hope. He felt so stupid for having any hope. This whole time no one believed him. 'It's all dekus fault. He couldn't save my parents. He testified against me. I'm not having this. He will regret the day he ever fucked with me.' "Fine. I'll accept it. ..... I'll accept the damn plea."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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