4: dont forget that..

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You laid in your bed, Staring at the ceiling as the video of You and Your best friend played on your phone.  You laughed, Seeing Loki fail and Fall off the roof into the giant pile of snow.

Your smile grew bigger as a screen popped up on your phone saying FaceTime call from: StubornTeddybear❤️

You clicked the green button, The smile not leaving your face. "Hi!" Loki said, Smiling. "Hey!" You say, Tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. You then realized the tears streaming down the boys face.

You frowned. "What's wrong?" You ask, Ready to run out the door at anytime. He sighed, His smile fading. "N-nothing.." he said, Already Knowing you wouldn't believe that.

"Shut up! What's wrong?" You ask, Throwing the blankets off your feet. "Calm down, Its just a little thing.." He said, Causing you to put on your shoes. You threw on a hoodie, Grabbing your phone. "I'll be over in five!" You say, Causing him to yell. "I'm moving..tomorrow I would've told you sooner but I didn't know how.." He said, Causing your heart to drop.

You hung up, Throwing your phone on your bed and Running downstairs.

You got on your bike and road down the street dropping your bike as soon as you made it to his house. You ran up to Loki who was pacing back and forth on the steps. "Y/n I'm s-" You Cut Him off by placing your lips on his.

"I love you. don't ever forget that.."

This was so short😂😂😂👏👏👏

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