Chapter 2: Trap

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Chapter 2: Trap

He led her to the dance floor, aware that the music had just started and no one was dancing yet. They were waiting for the princess to start, and then the prince and duchess would join in and then other members of Monaco's principality. 

A small part of Martin was nervous but that was crushed by the cockiness that arose from him reveling in the fact that he was dancing with a royal. A kid from town who'd managed to sneak in was dancing with their princess; how enraged they would be if they knew. 

                "So Pierre," Tess whispered as they began to dance, their bodies moving in sync and their feet not missing a step. "Who are you really?" 

                "I'm not sure I know what you mean?" Martin said, trying to keep his voice steady and completely bewildered by the effect that this, this girl was having on him. He could smell her perfume, jasmine and oranges, and her hair ticked his face enough to make him believe that was probably what it was. 

                "Oh please," she laughed lightly and looked right into his eyes unnervingly. "We both know you're not Mr. Allen, don't we?" 

                He almost stopped dancing in shock but she continued so he had to too. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the Duke and Duchess join the dance floor, her parents. He wondered why she hadn't told anyone if she knew he wasn't Pierre Allen. He wondered why she hadn't told her friend, Tris. 

                "Don't worry," she whispered conspiratorially with a giggle. "I wouldn't tell anyone right now, they'd be more appalled that I stopped dancing than they would be that you weren't Pierre Allen. So you're safe...for now." 

                Martin finally found his voice. "For now?" 

                "Well, forever if you give me a good enough reason not to tell anyone." She said before he spun her around. 

                They joined together again and Martin continued, desperately hoping the dance would end soon. "What kind of reason are you looking for?" 

                "Why are you pretending to be Pierre Allen?" 

                "I--" He started but she interrupted him. 

                "Don't lie, or I will tell. I just want the honest, shocking truth from someone at this party. No flourishes, no softening it, just tell me." She said and Martin wondered how often she got that kind of truth. 

                He wasn't sure why he did it, but he felt she deserved it and he felt she wouldn't sell him out though he couldn't say why. He abandoned his posh talk and gave her a nod before spinning her again. "Alright, you want to truth?" 


                "I'm from a town nearby, I have no money and no family of wealth or name--in fact, I don't even have a family, but I have friends, two of them, and we came up with a brilliant idea to attend your shindig here." 

                "Hardly seems brilliant if I caught you," she said with a laugh. 

                Martin frowned before continuing. "It was brilliant, we forged invitations, got our hands on the right clothes and learned how to do these dances in three months." 

                "Well for that at least, I am thankful." Tess told him, "If you weren't dancing like you are everyone would know you were an impostor. Pierre Allen is known for his dancing...skills." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2014 ⏰

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