The Surprise

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"Father, what is it like out there in Hyrule's vast fields, winding forests, and deepest oceans?" I asked trying to keep my questions small but curios. We were walking down one of the long hallways of Hyrule Castle.

My father slightly laughed at my curiosity. "My dear Linkette, many dangers await you and me during our quests. It is not certain what exactly we may face but I know that with true courage we can face them together."

It 'twas like my heart just grew wings and began to fly the moment he said that. Ever since that day I've always wanted to be like him. Not some puny little princess that makes speeches every day, no, an adventurer! A true one at that. My, even the goddesses will look down on me and smile at my heroic ness!

"Come, let us stroll around the castle. I want to discuss something important with you." My father said gesturing his hand for me to follow. We headed out into the courtyard. There, right before my very eyes was Epona. My father's trusty and noble steed.

My eyes grew wide and my body tensed. I have never gotten to ride a horse such as this before.

My father stepped up and threw one of his legs over the seat that was on the horses back. He patted the seat behind him.

I stepped a little closer. My father could surely see that I was frightened. He hopped off and walked over to me.

"My dear Linkette...Have you never rode a horse before?" I shook my head. I was still a little tensed. "Come here and I shall show you how to ride my trusty Epona." He gently took my hand into his own and walked me over to the steed. He hoisted me up and placed me sitting in a sideways position. He then got back on. I held to him tightly so that I wouldn't fall off.

Father did some type of nudge to get Epona to move. When she started to walk faster I gripped onto my father tightly.

A few minutes passed and we were walking around the courtyard and into the garden.

"My dear daughter I have I surprise." He handed me a small box. I opened it and my heart almost stopped. In the box contained a red Rupee necklace.

"Linkette, this is the first Rupee I've ever earned. Please keep it safe." I looked at him shocked but then shook my head approvingly. "Yes father I shall take great care of this!" I hugged him tightly and he hugged back. "Father I love you."

"I love you too daughter. Now we better head back so your mother won't worry."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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