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It was a long time ago, in the year 1999, just before New Year's Eve, when aliens attacked our sun, causing it to cripple and start going supernova 5 billion years early. The Jedi sensed this was going to happen, so they convinced the Galactic Republic to find a way to relocate the entire Terran System before all life on Earth was destroyed.

Everyone on Earth was in a state of utter shock and panic. Why did these aliens attack our sun? More importantly, why did they want to destroy all of Humanity as we know it? These kinds of questions were going through the heads of every man, woman, and child on Earth.

When the Jedi arrived, some people were shocked to find that they really exist. There were people who were sceptical, claiming they were the ones who attacked the sun, but the Jedi were able to reassure them, for they know who was responsible. They told the people what they plan to do, which was to relocate the entire system to their own galaxy.

It took around a couple more years to prepare the Terrans and gather the equipment to commence the big move out of the Milky Way galaxy and into Corona Acallaris, known to the Terrans as “the galaxy far, far, away”, but early in the year 2002, they were ready.

Everyone was placed in a cryogenic sleep and the Jedi controlled the transportation ships out of the galaxy, taking along the entire Terran system. What the Terrans didn't know was that the Jedi secretly injected midi-chlorians to a select handful of people, giving them the knowledge of the Force, and a young Colin Fraser was one of them.


A/n this is just the beginning of many adventures to come.

In the meantime, comment down below who you think attack our sun.

I'll try to update this asap if time permits.

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