Chapter II - Introductions

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"Hyebin unnie, what's taking Nancy a long time to get here?" I was getting worried that she might've got chased by a large dog and got sent to the hospital.

"I just received a text from her. She says that she's going to be here soon and that she's bringing someone with her."

All of us gathered around our leader the minute we heard that she's bringing someone.

"Who is she bringing?" Yeonwoo unnie asked.

"She didn't say who, just that's she's bringing someone."

"Typical Nancy, always keeping us out of her plans," Ahin remarked.

"Well, maybe she's bringing a hot date with her and she doesn't want us to find out who he/she is" I pointed out.

"You do have point, unnie," Ahin said.

"Oh, I see Nancy now!" Hyebin unnie exclaimed. "And it looks she brought a guy with her."

Everyone gathered near the window. We were all excited to see who she brought.


Yeonwoo POV

When we gathered near the window to see who Nancy brought, I had this feeling of jealousy rising up within me.

A young man was beside her and she was laughing with him as they entered into the mall we were in.

"Hey, guys," Nancy said while laughing off a joke, "This is Colin Nickolas Fraser. My best friend since we were kids."

"Hello, fellow person. Nice to meet ya." Said the ever bubbly JooE.

"Annyeonghaseyo. Ji ireum eun Colin imnida," he said, bowing at us.

"Woah. You know how to speak Korean?" JooE asked.

To be honest, though, it was surprising how he knew how to speak Korean and how to act in front of his elders. Every one of us was shocked.

"Yes. Nancy's mom taught me how."

"How many other languages do you know?" I inquired.

"Yeonwoo isn't that too much to ask? Isn't the fact he speaks Korean enough?" Hyebin asked.

"No, it's okay, Hyebin noona. I can speak French, Tagalog, some German, Japanese, Minbari and Narn." Colin said.

Okay, that is impressive, Mr Fraser. I'll give you that. But no way are you going to steal my girl Nancy from me.

"Hey look, Yeonwoo noona, Nancy and I are just friends. I'm not seeking a romantic relationship with Nancy if that's what you're thinking."

But that was what I was thinking. How did he know?

"So anyway, what's on the agenda for today, unnies," Nancy asked.

"Well, we're thinking of going to a different mall since this one doesn't have much in the way of designer clothing if that's okay with Colin."

"Yeah, that's fine. If you guys want, we could go to my tower. It has a mall inside. Besides the next city mall that has designer clothing is 30 minutes from here if you were to drive."

"WAIT!! YOU HAVE A PERSONAL MALL??!!!" JooE screamed.

"Hey, not so loud, JooE!" Hyebin said

"What, I'm just shocked that's all."

"Yes I do have a mall, but it's not too personal. People come and go from it most days."

"Oh my God! That's so cool!" JooE said giddily

"I'll just ask my brother Jackson if he can meet us outside the tower to give a tour of the place."


Jackson POV

"Yeah, sure, I can go down and give the tour. See you soon." I hung up the phone after we were done.

Typical Colin, always hanging with girls whenever he has the chance.

I mean, I don't mind that, but seriously, dude, hang out with the guys once in a while, aside from band rehearsals!

Before I left the suite, I came across Alex, one of Colin's friends and second lead guitarist of our group, The Blue Dragons.

"Hey Jackson, what's up?" He asked.

"Oh, just going down to give the tour to Colin's entourage, if you know what I'm sayin', "

"Ugh. Again! When will he stop picking up girls?"

"Probably never. Anyway, wish me luck."

"Yeah. I'll be prayin' for ya."


I wonder who he brought along this time? This kept going through my head while I was travelling down the elevator.

When I exited the elevator, I was shocked when I found out who he brought with him.

"A-Am I dreaming?! I-Is this real?!"

"As real as it can get, Jackson."

"Big bro, a moment." I then dragged my bro to a place where the girls can't hear.

"You do realize, Colin Nickolas Fraser, that you brought the girl group MOMOLAND to our headquarters, right?"

"Yeah. I wanted to show them around the tower. What's wrong with that?" he said, obviously clueless to what my dilemma is.

"What's wrong with that?! Gosh! You brought my bias Daisy into the building!"

"Oh yeah, I did. Well, you should be happy then. You'll get to spend time with your bias."

"Hmp. Unbelievable. All right. Let's get this tour on the way."


Nancy POV

We saw Colin come back with his brother who looks rather flustered.

"S-So my name is J-Jackson, and I'll be s-showing you around the tower."

Yup, Colin's brother sure acts like him when he's around girls. And I can't help but notice how frequent he looks at Daisy. Maybe he has a crush on her.

So it took around 1hr 30min to tour the building. We then went to the mall Colin talked about and we saw so many designer clothing stores in it, such as Gucci, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, and so much more. We were about to enter one of the stores when something on Colin's hand chimed.

"Sorry guys, I have to take this. I'll be right back."

He then left us with Jackson.

"So what do you do for a living?" Asked Daisy.

"O-Oh m-me?"

"Yeah, you, silly."

"W-Well I play the bass and is the bassist for the group, The Blue Dragons."

"The Blue Dragons. Hmm. I haven't heard that group before. Is it a new band."

"Y-Yeah. W-We started just a few months ago."


Colin came back but with a rather serious face.

"Guys, I'm sorry but looks like we're going to have to cut this visit short."

"Why," I asked.

"I just received word from Earthforce. Babylon 5 is under attack and in need of assistance."


A/n oooh, what a suspense this chapter ended on.

Comment down below whose attacking Babylon 5.

I'll update in a few days. Hope enjoy it. 😁😁

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