Run like the hounds of hell are chasing you

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How did I end up running through the woods after my sister in nothing but my black undergarments, heels, and dress in hands, covered in cuts and dirt from evil trees, all the while being chased by a herd of angry satan-loving witches? Now that is something I would like to know myself. "Run Sabrina!" My hand clasped my sisters, tugging her towards our house. "Run like the hounds of hell are chasing you, cause I'm not entirely sure that they aren't." Turning to me, Sabrina shoots me a look as if to say not helping. Hey, I wasn't the one who decided not to sign the damn book and leave her older sister to make sure she's not killed by a coven of witches. "Ambrose!" Our shouts mingle together until its unsure whose is whose. Her pace slows slightly when Ambrose comes into sight, my hand only tightening and yanking her towards the porch, both of us stopping when we hear the voice of Father Blackwood, Ambrose coming to my side. Turning around to face the crowd, I push Sabrina behind me, holding my hands out at my sides and murmuring a protection spell around her. 

"While the blood moon still shines," Ambrose and I glance at each other, fear reflecting in our eyes, making sure we're on the same magic-related page "you must sign the book of the beast." Silence surrounds us for half a minute, Sabrina linking her hand with mine and stepping up to my side. "I. Will. Not. There is another path for me, just as there was for my father and mother. A third way. And even if there isn't, my name is Sabrina Spellman and I will not sign it away!" Father Blackwood glares at my sister, turning to look at me, unsurprising. 

"Hazel, talk some sense into your sister." Anger fills me when he assumes he has the right to talk to me about my sister, a jolt of shock when he calls me by my new name. It doesn't even take me a minute to make up my mind on exactly what to do. Setting my jaw, I push my sister behind me and throw my hands out to my sides. "No, my name is Samantha Spellman and Sabrina is my sister. I may be a witch, but I'm a sister first and a witch second." Father Blackwood takes another step forward, a fit of fiery anger in his eyes. "You don't have a choice, your name's in the book of the beast." A smirk graces my lips at his words, his grin slipping from his face. 

"Check again," 

Squeezing my hands and muttering under my breath, I watch as Father Blackwood frantically searches the book for my name, screaming in frustration when only a drop of my blood is on the page. "This isn't possible, how did you do that?" I chuckle at the vein popping out of his forehead. "I'm a witch who's been practicing magic for every moment of my life, my father was Edward Spellman. Also, I'm just a badass motherfucking bitch." Gasps were heard at my rather crude language, the weird sisters trying to hide their smirks. A loud thud echoed when Father Blackwood slammed the book shut, glancing at the weird sisters and thrusting his head in our direction. "Girls," They begrudgingly make their way towards us, Ambrose looking at me before speaking. "A circle of protection rings this house! And no witch save a Spellman can cross it. Any unwelcome witch that tries shall burn!" I step up with a wicked smirk, looking Father Blackwood directly in the eyes. "So please, go ahead." Prudence looks into my eyes, knowing we're lying, and I could've sworn she smiled when they all walked away. 

"When did you guys cast a protection spell?" Sabrina whispers from behind me, Ambrose and I bursting out a laugh and high-fiving each other. "We didn't," Pausing, I take another glance at the retreating figures "although we probably should." Aunt Hilda and Zelda march past us, my victorious smile falling. "I'm so sorry Sammy, I screwed up everything for you." Turning to my sister and her tear stained cheeks, I hold in my emotions, once again allowing for her to be the one in the spotlight, and hug her to my chest, my chin resting on her head. Releasing her after a few seconds, I kiss the top of her head and tell her I'm going upstairs to get cleaned up. 

It's not until after everyone is held up in their bedrooms, that I lock my door and wave my hand, making sure nobody else could hear me. As the crushing weight of reality hits me, forceful sobs rack my body, my pained cries silenced by my shield spell. "What the hell did I just do?" I scream into the air, throwing a coffee cup across the room and shattering it to smithereens. "Dammit, Sabrina!" Four more objects get thrown across the room, landing in a heaping pile of nothingness, just like the future I had been looking forward to. I loved my sister, and I would always protect her, but sometimes a part of me hated her. She'd always been the golden girl, even when I was the one who worked harder. She made irrational decisions, and I was left to clean up the mess. But the one thing I'd always been better at was being a witch, it was all I had. Now, because of my love for my sister, that was gone.

And I hated her for that.


3 Days later

 Everyone, including myself, ignored my sister when she made her way into the kitchen, all dressed up for school as if she hadn't just ended my life three days ago, sitting down to eat breakfast. I, on the other hand, hadn't eaten anything since that night, unless you count coffee. Currently, my wardrobe consisted of an oversized black t that I stole from Ambrose, a pair of tiny red spandex shorts, Darth Vader socks, and my unruly hair tied back by a scrunchie. I was even wearing my glasses since putting my contacts in was considered too much of an effort. Black circles lined my eyes from not getting a second of sleep, scabbed cuts on my arms from those stupid trees. "Morning," I roll my eyes, taking another drag from the pack of cigarettes I'd went out and bought when I couldn't sleep the night of the baptism, a habit nobody had told me to quit because I literally glued their mouth shut with magic and glared whenever they so much as got a syllable out. "Oh blessed morning child," Ambrose glances at me when Aunt Hilda spoke, watching me as I light another cigarette. "Morning Cous,"  A bitter laugh escapes me when Sabrina goes to talk to Aunt Zelda who covered her face with a newspaper. 

Neither Aunt had given me a hard time because deep down I think they understood why I did what I did. "Samantha?" I didn't even bother to look up, blowing smoke from my nostrils instead. I could've sworn I saw Aunt Zelda smirk from the corner of my eye. "Are you seriously never going to talk to me again?" And just like that, all the pent up rage I'd felt toward my sister over the years came barreling out. Everyone's eyes widened when I stood so fast the chair flew from behind me, my eyes a blazing fire of anger. "You want me to speak? I'll speak! This was the one thing Sabrina, the one thing I had, being a witch was everything to me, Sabrina! You can take away my boyfriend by dating his brother, fine, but there are two things I thought you would never take from me. The weird sisters, they hate you so I don't have to worry about that, but my future as a witch Sabrina? Jesus, do you have the capability to think about anyone but yourself? Harvey's brother and I? It wasn't just a fling, I loved him! I clean up your messes, I stand up for you, I'm always there. But this time Sabrina," I start towards my room, carrying the pack of cigarettes with tears flowing down my cheeks "I can't forgive you."

And so the girl who always had it together and never showed emotion, broke completely, leaving her utterly shocked family to stare at the retreating figure.

Hi guys! I know you all want me to update as soon as possible, and I will. I want to let everyone know I have some health problems that interfere with the things I want to do. So, I promise, I will get it done ASAP. Stay awesome my lovelies.

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