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I grimaced as I moved to a safer position. I should've fallen. Maybe then people could find peace in their lives. It's not like I had anyone who actually cared. I bet if I had disappeared, no one would even bother to look for me. I started to cry. I already knew this, but that never stopped me from crying.

I wanted someone to care about me. To show me that not everything was as bad as it looked. That I didn't have to feel as miserable as I was feeling everyday. "Eric...?" I wiped my face then looked behind me. "You..." He sat down next to me and remained silent.

"I'm sorry about yesterday..." "I overreacted..." "No, I was being insensitive. I hope you can forgive me someday." "You're forgiven." He smiled softly at me, causing me to look away. "Were you crying?" "No." "You don't have to hide. I won't judge you."

I leaned against him then felt myself ready to cry all over again. "I did..." "You don't have to share why. Just know I'll listen and try to give comfort." "Why do you even care? I'm an unruly student who gives your aunt a headache." "Because we're both hurting."

"Hurting in a way others just don't understand. We're angry and take it out on others. We're sad, but have no one to comfort us in our time of need. Our causes of pain are different, but everything else holds true." "That's true..." He rubbed my arm as tears fell from my eyes.

The bell for the first class rang, but neither of us moved. "You aren't going to class?" "Not unless you go as well." I moved back then swung my legs back onto the roof. He followed suit then picked up his bag. "See you later?" "Yeah..." "Try to pay attention class."

We parted ways and I stepped into the classroom late. "Look who decided to show up to class." The class murmured and I took my seat. I pulled out my books then wrote down everything I could. "Dude, are you okay?" "Yeah, why?" "You're paying attention."

Seunghyun looked worried. "I'm changing my life around...kind of." The pa crackled to life and I already knew it was for me. I gathered my things then headed to her office. I opened the door then sat down. "Did you enjoy your coffee?" "No. Neither did the other teachers."

I laughed as I could imagine their faces. "That's not all I wanted to talk to you about." "Oh, was it the snapping turtle too? Hope everyone doesn't get a boo boo." I laughed more as she looked completely done with my bullshit. "I meant Sunwoo." She now had my attention.

"Stop influencing him." Now I was pissed. "Influencing him? He chose to fuck around himself." "Your language." "When have I ever given a shit? Either way, I've done nothing to him. Maybe you need to train your little pet better." "How dare you." I simply shrugged.

I didn't mean what I said about Sunwoo, but it was fun getting under her skin. "Are we done here?" "No. I want you to stay away from Sunwoo." "And what's that gonna do huh? Who's to say he won't defy your wishes and seek me out?" I smirked as it was the truth.

I wouldn't have to do much. We always seem to meet no matter what. "I'll make sure he never meets with you." A teacher entered the room then whispered in her ear. "What!? Eric, stay here." They hurried out of the room. I wanted to know what was going on too.

I was bored out of my mind. The door opened and I was told that I'd be called for later. I headed to my class then saw the principal walking Sunwoo to her office. A part of me wondered what had happened. I assumed he had messed with the faculty again.

I waited outside the detention room and saw my aunt heading towards me. "You're serving detention with me from now on." "No." "Sunwoo, this is for your own good." I shook her hand off then backed away. "You mean your own good, not mine."

"Sunwoo, being around Eric is corrupting you." "What?" I was furious. "Hey, Sun." I looked over and saw Eric standing by the door. "Coming in?" "Yeah..." I looked back at my aunt before heading into the room with him. "Why was she there?"

"She's trying to separate us." "Ah, she did mention that to me." I gave him a smile then pulled up the school website. "I won't let her. I feel like I finally found someone who understands." He returned my smile with his own before scrolling down the page.

"A fight..?" I scrolled past it then tapped on another piece of gossip. "Wait, I wanted to view that..." "It's nothing important. Oh look, a science class had to evacuate the room because of the overwhelming amount of suds." He took my phone then went back.

I quickly left my seat and headed out the room. I dashed down the hall then hid in another classroom. I didn't want him to find out, but it was kind of late for that. I already knew the questions he'd ask and I didn't necessarily want to answer them.

"Sun..." He had been calling for me for a while now. His voice was becoming slightly hoarse. I quietly stepped out of the room, but kept my eyes glued to the ground. A pair of sneakers soon came into view. "Look at me." "No." "Then tell me why." "No..." "Then look at me."

"Stop..." "Sunwoo, you know fighting is like a first class ticket to getting expelled." "You know damn well she won't expel me!" I was now looking at him with sadness and anger. She wouldn't let anything bad happen to me. She was willing to bend rules to avoid punishing me.

"But-" "There is no but, Eric. I can't escape her. No matter what I do, all I'll ever get is detention. I could seriously injure a teacher and the worst I'd get is a one day suspension." I was exhausted. I was tired of fighting her.

She couldn't understand that I didn't want protection. "I'll drop it then." He handed me back my phone and headed back to the classroom. "Wait..." He turned around and waited. "They were doing things to your locker and friend..." I now had his attention.

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