Chapter 5: Interrogated

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"Are you insane, you brat? You mean for me to believe that?"

Short chapter building up to a longer one! As a reference, you are a half-way point between Mikasa and Levi in power. You could always take on Mikasa pretty easily, but Levi would still destroy you. It's not exactly a close gap either.

Regardless, I think I'll just have the romantic interest be whatever girl goes with the reader insert the most naturally. I'll explore a relationship between (Y/N) and all sorts of girls and do whatever feels the best from there.

This entire chapter will be written from a second-person perspective, by the way!

You entered Levi's little office. The cleaning was insane. You felt like you would corrupt it if you touched anything, almost, and kept your hands to yourself for now.

"...Have a seat." was all Levi could say.

"Alright. I already know what I'm here for." you replied as you took a seat.

Levi rested his elbows on his desk and his chin on his hands. "...Then spit it out already." He ordered.

You leaned back in your seat and got as comfortable as you could. "To start, I'll go over what I've already said to you. I owe something to Eren, and make that up by protecting him."

Levi nodded. "Where did you find ODM gear?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

"...As you already know, one of many of the corrupt doings of the Military Poli-" You were interrupted.

"...You stole from the Military Police while they were pawning off valuable gear." Levi quickly quipped. You were shocked at how quickly he was able to infer that. You gulped and shook your head. "Then what?" He added on.

He was close. You found some Military Police selling gear to merchants, and managed to get them caught. You talked the officer into handing over a set of gear. You were surprised that worked.

"...You were very close, remarkably, Sir Levi. When I busted the illegal trade, I was able to haggle one set of gear off of their somewhat grateful superiors." You explained.

Levi leaned back in his seat and smirked. "You seem too stiff for stealing. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now." Levi said. It was obvious that he was going to look into it later anyways. "Where are you from?" He asked.

You quickly came up with something. "I was born in Trost, sir, and fled when the city fell." was that something you came up with. Levi narrowed his eyes, feeling that something was off.

"Why didn't you come to protect Eren sooner?" Levi asked.

"I thought he was dead for the longest time. I caught rumors of his continued existence when the rumors of his shifting powers spread." you said.

Levi nodded. He seemed reasonably convinced. Though that was a perfect lie.

"...That's all for now." said the Captain. "Dismissed. I have my eyes on you, (L/N)."

You exited his office and let out a sigh of relief after the door was closed behind you. The way Levi stared into your soul, scrutinizing your every word, was surprisingly intimidating for you, a person bred for war. You clutched your cloak and began to go on a stroll, taking in the evening air and moonlight.

Suddenly, a girl approached you. It was that girl from Levi Squad. You didn't know her name, though.

"(Y/N)! I just came to check on you. How are you doing?" She asked.

"Oh, I'm fine. I don't think I'm supposed to be up and about yet, though." You replied. 

"I'm glad to hear that. Levi just called you in, right?"

You nodded. "He did. Mostly questions on"

Petra looked away for a moment, before turning back to you. The two of you began walking together. "Captain Levi has a big name to live up to. He's portrayed like a fairy-tale hero and is called 'Humanity's Strongest Soldier', but he's really a very flawed and strange man. I still admire him, though." She said.

You didn't understand why she was suddenly opening up to you like this, and you were visibly kind of thrown off.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I don't think I've even told you my name. I'm Petra. Petra Ral." the girl replied.

"I was...about to ask that, yes. But why are you opening up to me like this?" you asked.

"W-well..." She seemed to visibly sweat.

"Did Levi assign you to watch me?" You asked.

"No! ....Yes."

"Well, er, you can keep talking, I suppose. It would be creepy if you were just always silently staring."

"Right! Um. You'll get used to Levi eventually." Petra said, still a tad nervous. "But, it looks like you're already really strong like he is. I couldn't have dodged that punch back there."

You chuckled. "I'm sure you could've. It was a rather predictable movement!"

Petra clutched her arm and looked away. "Maybe. Well, I don't think I'll be trying to figure that out anytime soon!"

You both laughed a little, but your laughing was cut short by a sudden burst of pain. You fell to your knees. 

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?"

You clutched your chest and couldn't make any other noise that growling as you held in a scream. Petra put her hand on your shoulder and kneeled down next to you.

"Let's get you back to the infirmary." Petra said in a soothing tone as she helped you up and led you off. 

As you entered the infirmary, you noticed that Mikasa was still there. 

"What's wrong with him?" Mikasa asked.

"He's in a lot of pain. He's not ready to be up and about, I think." Petra answered as she helped you back into the bed. It was silent, after that. Mikasa noticed that Petra seemed to be staring at (Y/N).

"...Is something the matter?" asked the rookie.

Petra snapped out of it. "Oh! Um, no. Thank you." She patted you on the shoulder and quickly took a seat.

"...Hmm." Mikasa returned to watching over Eren.

You groaned and curled up under the covers. You drifted off to sleep and was met by a most poorly-timed dream.

Call of the Sea (AOT Girls x M!Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ