Dave just ask.

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A/n: Eeeeeey sorry it's been awhile for an update. I think I might start like typing this differently so it isn't so confusing. I'm gonna do P.O.V.  I'll try to make this one longer. Thanks to a fellow reader my writer's block is gone sorta. But thank you fellow reader. You were a huge help. But I won't start out with the date though not yet but it will come. You guys can still send requests for this and other fanfic.s that I should write buuuuut anyway with the fanficy.


Comment and stuff yea. Thank you and enjoy.

*No one's P.O.V*

Dave was sitting on the edge of his bed leaning over. He had his shades off and his hand dug in his hair groaning. 'Dave just do it' he thought. He groaned falling back onto the bed his back flat against it. His hair was a mess as he darting his ruby eyes back and forth trying to figure out what to do. "Fuuuuuuuck!" He groaned out a curse. "I have to. I have to ask him and today will be the day to do it...." he paused as a light blush dusted over his cheeks. "Maybe tomorrow..." Another small pause. "Or the next day." He let out another groan rolling over. He hit the mattress, softly screaming. He rolled his head to the side so he could breath. "No. It has to be today." He quickly stood up slightly smirking getting a burst of courage. He quickly scooped up his tented glasses off the bed side table. He ran to the bathroom looking in the mirror. He patted down his messy hair and threw on his shades. He looked down at his half naked body only wearing bright red boxers. He walked to his closet looking through it trying to find the nicest thing he could. He slipped on a white button up not caring to button it just yet. He pulled on black jeans pushing his hand down his pants shoving down his boxers until they fit comfortable. He went back to the button up starting from the bottom going up. He left one button unbutton. He shoved his IPhone in his pocket in his pocket. He shoved on his shoes quickly walking out slamming the door. He walked down the hall trying not to run. He stopped with a hult in front of a white door with the number 222 on it. He raised a hand to knock but stopped himself. The blush that he had on his cheeks earlier dusted back over. He nibbled his lower lip softly holding his balled up fist next to his side. "I have to." He repeated over and over in a mumble. He quickly brought up his fist again his heart beating roughly as if it were trying to jump out. He closed his his eyes tightly behind his mirror shades as he quickly rapped two knocks on the door.

*Sollux's P.O.V*

I was sitting the on my computer typing away. I heard a knock on the door instantly swinging my head so I could see it. I stood up walking towards it standing on my tip toes to see through the peeky hold to see who is was. Of all people it was Dave fucking Strider. I mean I wasn't really complaining, in all reality he was happy. I had a big crush on Dave but knew Dave would never return the feelings. //or so he though haha// My eyes widened once I looked down and for once I was glad that I got dressed after I got up. I was wearing a yellow-ish button up with one red sleeve and one blue, my pants were a sandy tan and I have converse one black one white. I heard another soft knock before I quickly swung open the door as a soft blush sneaked it's way onto my cheeks. "Oh hi Thrider." I tried to hide the happiness in my voice with a soft groan and a roll of my mutated eyes.

*Dave's P.O.V*

I stood there as I heard the door creak open. I opened my eyes to see Sollux almost blushing but I can really tell why. "S... sup lispy." I cleared my throat to hide the stutter slightly looking to the side. I bit on my lower to keep from smiling at the cute ass lisp that was caused bye a gap between Sollux's two front teeth. God why does I have to have a weak spot in my heart for him. "Well.... um I was kinda wondering if you might want to grab some lunch. I mean if you don't want to it's I just really thought it would be rad if we could ya know, get to know each other better." I rubbed the back of my neck as I spoke quickly slightly starting to rant with out realizing. I tent to rant when I'm nervous. I caught my self doing the nervous act blushing even harder before shaking my head and apologizing. "Sorry." I looked down at my feet when I heard Sollux starting to speak up. "Sure." He slightly smiled the blush on his cheeks growing darker. I look up smirking the nodding. "Then it's a date. Saturday so clear you scheduled ya nerd." I chuckle before leaning in and softly pecking Sollux's cheek. Shit! My eyes widened leaning back panicking looking around. I saw Sollux look down his face glowing red. "Sorry." I looked around before quickly walking away hearing him mumble something before closing his door. I flopped on my bed sighing. "Fuuuck I messed up. But at least I asked him right?" he rolls over slightly smiling. "Yea, at least I did it."

a/n: Tell me if you like the P.O.V better. anyway should I write smut or no? but If I do it will be kinda in awhile. but it'll be good my loviesy.

A Stupid College Romance (human!Sollux x Dave.)Where stories live. Discover now