Chapter 12

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Raven and Snowy led their packmates to the mountain cave, Katie was whimpering of hunger.

"She needs to eat." Raven murmured to Goldenglow as they set themselves down on the smooth rock floor. Goldenglow nodded in agreement and pulled out leftover rabbit. Katie hungrily grabbed it and ate half, giving the rest to Luke.

"Every wolf shall rest." Snowy commanded. Raven dipped her head to her mate and curled up next to him, brushing pelts. Katie curled up in Goldenglow's stomach as Luke slept next to Lupo, Twinkle brushed pelts with Raven.

They had slept the night through, dawn was rising and the harsh blizzard had ended, some of the snow melted from the leaf bared branches and dripped onto the white covered ground, the white was turning into a big light orange blanket from the tints of the morning sun.
"Good morning!" Lupo muttered in a raspy voice.
"Are you good?" Raven's ears twitched at her brother's annoyed sleepy tone. Lupo pointed his muzzle towards Luke who was snoring and clawing at Lupo's stomach. Raven snorted, "sorry about my son, but maybe he does love his uncle Lupo."
Lupo rolled his eyes, "whatever, now what?"
"Dawn hunting patrols, then we continue our quest." Raven pawed at her mate and he signalled his ears towards her, "Snowy, can you assign the hunting patrol?"
"Let the beta have a shot." Snowy put his head on his front paws and his eyes darted to Twinkle.
"Right, Twinkle, you can assign the dawn hunting patrol." Raven barked.
"Oh, okay. I choose Luke, Lupo, and I to go on one." She dipped her head to her two alphas, and lead Luke and Lupo out of the mountain cave.
"I'm going to go for a dawn walk." Raven turned to face Goldenglow, Snowy, and Katie.
"Good luck!" Goldenglow and Snowy hollered in unison. Katie yipped as an answer, with that, Raven stalked outside of the cave.

Raven trotted through the deep snow, the harsh blizzard had brought a lot. The chill-season sun warmed her coat, she was warm anyway, since she is a wolf. She heard the rumbling of a rollingpaw. What is a denliver doing here with that monster?
Raven could hear one of the denlivers', as it began to speak. She followed the new scent trail, tracing it along the cold path. She could hear the loud rollingpaw and denlivers' much clearer now. Curiosity drove her head to look down, seeing the denlivers from high on the mountain peak, and there was a rollingpaw path. The denlivers had a huge rollingpaw with them, its eyes flickering a bright light and grumbling. Some of the denlivers had what looked like to Raven- sticks with a square shaped stone attached, which they used to get the snow out of the rollingpaw path. She heard a slam, and saw one of the denlivers' get inside the rollingpaw, and it turned out the rollingpaw had a bigger stone square attached to the front of it, under its eyes. The roar grew stronger from the rollingpaw, it rolled its paws over the snowy path, and an old rusty rollingpaw was behind, trying to get through. The rusty rollingpaw made a sound- which sounded like a rollingpaw yowl. Its bright eyes brightness turned off and a denliver angrily stomped out.

"Excuse me?! What do you think y'all are doin'?!" the male denliver had shouted.
"Calm down sir, we are shovelling the snow from the road."
"And?! I need to get through!" The denliver opened the back of his rusty rollingpaw and pulled out what looked like to Raven- danger to all of animal species.
They were called guns, Raven had heard from Stormleaf, and from her old mentor Suncloud- she found out Suncloud was her mentor when her memory regained itself after a long period of time of being kept in FrostPack. She had excellent memory, and every missing memory erased from Dark Lord, came back, thanks to her grandparents.

"Put the gun down man, you're not going to get through either way. Snow or us being here." another male denliver confessed.
"I'm a hunter, let me get through, instead of hunting animals, I'll have this gun and its bullets, right through your head." the hunter threatened.
Raven's fur bristled of anger at the hunter's words. She couldn't help but release a loud angry growl, but she would never attack a denliver, wolves don't do that.
The hunter seemed to have noticed, he raised his gun and pointed it right at Raven, he started running and climbing the mountain. Raven howled a warning to her packmates and skidded up snow, throwing it at the hunter's eyes, causing him to curse of pain. A loud thunder-like sound rolled into the area, it was quick though, it was from the hunter's gun, it broke a branch off of a tree and caused an elk running past, to fall down limply and die. Snowy trotted in with worry and anxiety for his mate. The hunter stood up with a dead baby blue bird at his feet, and the mother bird was swooping down, letting her talons cut into the scalp of his head.

"You can't get hurt." Snowy murmured. "We have unborn pups."
"I'll be fine." Raven reassured, swiping her tongue over his cheek.
The hunter aimed his gun at Raven, triggering it and letting a bullet shoot out, she luckily dodged it with Snowy protecting her all over. She had to fight, as much as wolves didn't attack denlivers even if they're hunters, he would kill them, bullets were fast, and would kill in one shot. Raven charged forward with Snowy following anxiously behind. I HAVE TO DO THIS she had screamed inside her head with anger and motivation. She pounced onto the denliver and knocked him over, covering his face and whole head with snow. She grabbed his gun and threw it against the mountain's sharp and hard stone, causing it to break. Her powers had smashed it to pieces, and it reformed itself into a sharp sword, wrapping itself around her arm and back. She jabbed it into the hunter's leg, causing him to yelp and curse loudly of pain. By this point, it had caught the attention of the denlivers who were clearing the snow from the rollingpaw path. Blood spattered onto her claws and all over the white snow. She panted and gasped at what she had done, the hunter had definitely fainted. Snowy looked at her with saucer-like pupils.

Mystical Wolves: Raven's Quest Book #1 Series #1 [COMPLETE] [OLD]Where stories live. Discover now