4. Being picked as the "Mom"

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"Do you want to try it again," he raise his eyebrow. I move back and put my hands on my lips. When he saw my reaction, he laughed. All I can think is running away from this guy. Before he notice, I start running in full speed. I push open the door and rush in. Everyone inside is still partying and drinking.

Luckily, I spot both of them near the entrance. I grab their hands and start going out. They didn't even get to say anything. When we got out and into the car, I finally let go of them.

"Are you crazy?!," Brit yell at me.

"On my way to be crazy, we need to get out of here!," I start the engine.

"Whatever," Jenn said and put on the seatbelt.

*Next Day*

Today, I have class and I should go back to my part time job. Yesterday, it was a bit of a puzzle. I even forget to ask his name and what actually happened? He saved me from a pervert and he said something about remembering.

Whatever, it's not like I will ever meet him again. I put on skinny jeans and a sweater with white sneakers. Also I put my hair since I don't feel like styling it.

I open the door and I take out my keys to lock it. When I turn around, I see these huge guys. The guys are the same guys that kidnap me! Quickly, I try to put my key back in the key hole.

"Miss, come with us," one of the body guards put his hand on my shoulder. My body shakes and I nervously turn my head. Both of them is staring at me. My brain is telling me that they will kill me.

They saw I didn't move, so they put their hands on me. I yell as one of them put me on their shoulder. Then, as all movie goes, I'm kidnapped.

At least they didn't wrap me up or hurt me, so that is good.

While I'm eating the chips they gave me, they stopped the car. I saw they have chips in the car, so I ask for some. I mean, I need to look the positive way, right?

During the car ride, I can see they didn't mean any harm. Actually they were nice to me. So I follow them into this mansion. It's not like I've never been into mansions before. I even slept in one....with a guy. I slap my face, so I can stop thinking about him.

Inside looks somewhat similar. Oh! It is where I wake up from my first kidnap and they drug me. Even thinking about it makes me mad. This time, I will yell and punch the crap out of them.

And it didn't went expected.....

It is a old couple drinking tea in their dinning rooms. I can't punch old people right? Even though they are the same old couple who randomly drugged me.

"Oh, you're here," the old lady put down her cup," Come and sit with us." I look around, the body guards disappeared. I turn to them, they look harmless. What can they do to me anyway?!

"Uhh...who are you?," I awkwardly sit down.

"We are the grandparents, your family," the old lady said.

"My family?!," I ask with a confused face.

The old man chuckled," We will be family soon...very soon."

"Can you please explain this whole thing?," I said. The old couple look at each other and smiled.

The old lady explain," You are chosen to be our great grandson's mom. Of course, we will pay you with a equal price for their work."

I put my hand up,"Hold up! Great grandson's mom?! Pay?"

"Honey, you are picked from billions," she take a sip of tea," to be pregnet."


"I'm sorry, but I don't understand! Also, for the the drug, I can forget about it," I said.

The old lady reacted,"Oh no, you don't need to. We want you-"

I cut her off," I don't want nothing to do with it!" That night is my nightmare and I don't want it to be back. I left the place without saying anything. Nobody stopped me, so it is easy to get out.

Luhan POV:

After she ran away, I left the party. There is no need to chase after her anyway. Obviously, she didn't remember me. Maybe I'm her one night stand. The thought of it makes me go crazy. How can she forget me so easily?!

**1 Week Later**

Lin POV:

My life is now a cycle. It is either school, home, or work. Of course, I avoid Jason because I feel guilty. Weirdly, Jason didn't say anything about it. All he did is ask me am I okay. Which I'm glad because I want time by myself.

"You should rest," Amy, who works with me, said. I'm pouring coffee the 5th time today. Lately, I'd keeping myself busy. Only when I'm busy, I won't have time thinking about other stuff. Amy and I are web designers, but we work on different things. I'm not design major, but I have a high school degree for it. Thank god I was joining all types of clubs and programs or else I might never have this job.

"I'll be fine," I give her a smile and take my coffee with me. Suddenly, my head start to hurt and my vision change from one to two. The coffee in my hand turn into two coffee. The world feels like spinning. My body suddenly fall to the ground.

Then, I see Amy's face, she look worried.

"Lin!," that is all I manage to hear. Then it is a black out, I past out. While I'm past out, I think of many things. I think about about my family, friends, Jason, and.....him. I don't even know why I thought of him, but his eyes appear more than once.

After a good amount of sleep, I feel better. When I woke up, I'm at the hospital. Amy just left me here, but she left me a note. The note said she left because of work and tell me to take a good rest.

Oh well, I haven't be able to take a rest in a while.


Hey everyone! I'll just update this much. The drama is about to start!



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