Chapter 7

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Brooke's POV

 I stood there, staring at the doll. I started to walk up to it, all of a sudden it went around the corner into the living room. Now I was startled. It was midnight and I was downstairs by myself home alone with a sleeping Paige upstairs. What do I do now! I quietly piered around the corner. now the doll was outside of the window. I shut the curtains, and all the other ones in the house. I was petrified. 

 I ran upstairs with my nutella and crackers. I locked our bedroom door and put a chair up against it. I decided to settle down into bed, check out my feed on instagram, watch the latest episode of Once Upon a time, and shut off the lights. 

Paige was a deep sleeper so I didn't have to worry about her waking up. As well,I plugged in my phone to charge. Then I shut off the lights, and was off to bed.I was relieved, at least I thought I was.


(part of chapter 8)

 I slowly looked over into the dark corner of my room where the window was. I was about to get up and shut the curtains that I thought I had shut but then a figure popped up, right outside of my window. Floating in mid air.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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