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"oh shit im so sorry," i began when the girl i bumped into fell down. "here let me help you out sis." i bent over to pick up her book, textbook, and phone as she stood up.

"damn bitch bump into me any harder and i'm gonna have to call you bulldozer," the girl said as she snatched her book and phone out of my hand.

"um, i'm gonna need you to bring that attitude from a ten to a two hun, before we actually have problems. i'm not tryna drag a bitch on my first day here." i was not expecting to have an altercation on my first day, let alone before i got to fucking eat lunch.

"move, because im tryna go eat lunch and you're blocking my way sis," i say, shoving her in the shoulder as i walk past, making my way to the lunch room. the cafeteria wasn't really as packed as thought it would be. everyone was settled and knew where to sit and had their people to sit with, me on the other hand had to come after a month of school had passed. i was rummaging through my purse looking for my wallet as a familiar voice interrupted my thoughts.

"ayo ma, over here!" i looked around and stopped once my eyes met sharkboy waving over for me to go to his table. he was sitting with 5 other people, 4 boys and a girl. some of them i recognized from my first period. one boy was really tall with warm brown skin and dreads, showing this boy with glasses and a bunch of chains around his neck a video on his phone. this boy with black curly hair and painted nails was catching grapes that another boy with very fair skin and blonde tips was throwing in his mouth. a caramel skinned girl was playing with the boys dreads. i walked up to their table a gave shark boy a side hug.

"hey sharkboy" i said, earning a few laughs from his friends.

"what's good ma, how's your first day going?" he asked, moving over to give me space to sit. i sat next to him and placed my bag on the table. everyone turned their attention to me waiting for my answer. it felt kinda weird because i didn't really expect them to be the type to be attentive or concerned with other people.

"nah i was really about to pop off on this lil shawty for bumping into me earlier. sis had the audacity to come at my neck acting like i didn't help her pick up her fuckass books" i replied annoyed. sharkboy looked at me with his eyebrows raised and gave me his signature smirk.

"oou, you're feisty. i like that ma." sharkboy said giving the dread headed boy a dap up.

"aight so let me know when your done flirting with me so i can go get lunch." i replied raising an eyebrow. sharkboy shook his head and laughed while i went on the lunch line with my wallet in my hand.

"hey, why were you sitting with nick and all of them?"

i turned around to see a short curly haired girl talking to me.

"who?" i asked confused. who the hell was nick?

"that group of people you just got up from sitting with." she said giving a weird look. then i realized that i never learned sharkboy or his friends names. "you know that it's kinda weird that you're sitting with them, they usually do everything together and within themselves. i don't think anyone would expect them to let in a random like that."

"excuse me hun, i'm not a random for your information, and why the hell is everyone so concerned about where i sit and who i sit with?"

"oh you don't know about them do you?" she started. i motioned for her to continue, "nick and his crew over there," she paused, "they're dangerous. they pretty much do whatever they want. all of them- even haley- are quite mysterious and rarely socialize with anyone else other than themselves. that's why everyone was staring at you when nick gave you a hug, even though i don't think you noticed." she finished. i grabbed a tray for myself and handed another to the girl i was talking to.

dangerous; a prettymuch storyWhere stories live. Discover now